19: "Forgive me for being scared of love."

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The bitter taste of alcohol on his lips draws me in again. And again. And again. My shaking hands find their comfort within his, as his gentle thumbs leave goosebumps across my skin.

The sheer number of emotions consuming my mind and body are overwhelming, to say the least. Anger, hot and burning within my chest at his drunken stupidity. A sense of giddiness at the feeling of his lips meeting mine. A queasy feeling of shame at how inexperienced I am, and how Ashton likely thinks I am. A headache of sadness plagues me due to the memory of Luke's confession, and so on. Yet, there's one nagging feeling, tugging at my stomach, seemingly desperate to drag me down once again.

Like it always does.

"I love you. I really love you. Fuck. I love you." his slurring words repeat at regular intervals, as his lips continue to press against mine over and over and over.

His kisses are slow. Long awaited. Comforting. The way they are clouding my mind is addicting. I've always wondered why drugs are desirable. If they make your mind swirl at all like this, I understand now why one may want to compare love to an addiction.

I smile against his lips once more, since the warm feeling burning within my chest hasn't faded yet. A small voice in my mind begs me to say something, but it becomes lost in the sea of every other screaming emotion. I've lost myself to him.

"Baby girl." Ashton breathes suddenly, his forehead against mine, the largest space between us since a few moments ago.

The electric and thick atmosphere is nearly suffocating. My heart beats painfully fast, yearning to feel his pressed against it once more. His hazy emerald eyes meet mine in the low light as, once again, the only sounds filling the room are the rain and our slow breaths.

"A-Ashton," I swallow, whispering as my fingers trace across his cheek, my eyes falling away from his. My words fail, become caught in my throat, and change as I lose my bravery once more, "let's go to sleep, o-okay...?"

Ashton cautiously raises a hand to my waist, underneath Luke's all-too-big hoodie, and I find myself immobilized from his touch. Suddenly, every interaction with my best friend is dizzying. I'm lost and I don't know where to go from here. I'm afraid, there's no hiding that fact. Knowing that he will not remember any of this in the morning, I cherish this moment, as it may never come again. The rain continues to pour outside, and I pray to God my eyes don't end up mimicking the drizzle.

All I know is that Ashton is keeping me grounded. All of my outside thoughts couldn't seem invade my mind when his lips touched mine.

Ashton doesn't say anything for a moment. His hands do the talking for him. One thumb traces small patterns across my hip, the other, my neck. Every time his gaze falls on my face, that new feeling that I cannot name returns to my chest and spreads to every limb.

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