11: "Falling stars and falling in love."

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Dreams are powerful in the ways they bend your grasp on reality and your senses. Nightmares cause even the most illogical of these bends to seem life threatening and terrify you into a panicked awakening.

One of these terrifying bends was exactly why I had shot up from a sound slumber, and I realized then that the sound of a trunk snapping in my nightmare was simply an angry clap of thunder.

As my eyes adjust, I try to regain my normal pattern of breathing. I can't recall the rest of my dream besides that sound, but frankly that is plenty of fucking information.

It's not like I haven't had that same hellish night terror for two straight years.

I shiver, realizing then that I'd taken my shirt off before I'd gone to sleep, which I suppose explains why I'm fucking freezing to death. It's pouring rain even harder than earlier in the week and I weakly groan. Will I ever see the sun again?

A soft whine drags my thoughts away from the depression-inducing weather.

I sigh with a hint of content as I look at my girl, sprawled across her bed. While she may be unconscious, her beauty never seems to rest. Another soft sound escapes her slightly parted lips as she turns slightly in her sleep.

I realize as I watch her that, while I may be jealous of Luke, it doesn't really matter in moments like these. Luke doesn't get to share a bed with her nearly every night. Luke doesn't get the feeling I do when I wrap my arms around her as she sleeps. Luke doesn't get to love her like I do. Luke doesn't have the privilege of being the best friend of Katherine Nia Lovett.

With that motivational thought in mind, I smile to myself, lay back down facing my girl and softly press a kiss to the top of her head before falling back asleep.

While the thunder continued to roar outside, I heard no cracking bark, no screeching tires, no sirens, and no cries of pain or distress through the rest of the night, whether in my nightmares or in reality.


"Kat!" Calum exclaims, a wide smile upon his cheeks as we sit with him at lunch the next day, "I heard you're gonna be working with me soon."

Shyly, Kat nods, blushing a soft pink due to the attention Calum put upon her.

"Yeah, I've got an interview with Mrs. Anderson on Friday." She speaks softly, tucking a fly away selection of hair behind her ear.

Wearing her glasses today, and her hair up in a bun, Kat looks warm and adorable. It's indirectly my fault she picked this look today, as I forgot to set an alarm, and this style was "all she had time for". However, Kat wearing sweats, glasses, and pulling her hair up in a bun means as much to me as if she were wearing lingerie. I could care less what she's wearing as log as she's comfy.

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