24: "Who writes the next chapter of our lives?"

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I had imagined that this moment would have been infused with relief and passion. Passion, yes, there was that; a deadly poison that had stunned every nerve in my body, causing heat to unfurl across my skin. However, I found myself extremely tense and nervous. I finally could hold her without an ache in my heart, but the sudden responsibility weighed the already struggling organ down significantly.

She, I noticed in one of the brief moments I regained my focus, grew more trusting, confident, and calm. It wouldn't be obvious to anyone who didn't know her like I do. Little motions: loosening her tight grip on my collar instead gently cupping the back of my neck, leaning into me rather than away from me, more eye contact and less stuttering. This calmed me a bit.

Sparks flew both between us and across the sky as lightning neared the Cliffside. It was that thunder which separated us, not any intent of ours. Kat giggled as she took a half step back away from me, blushing noticeably even in the low light.

She is shivering, partly, I suppose, from nervousness, and partly because of the creeping chill closing in from the clouds above. Not really caring about my own warmth or modesty, I pull off my hoodie and hand it to her, resulting in a faux disappointed look.

"You'll catch a cold, Ashole." She scoffs as she pulls the too-large garment over her shoulders with a smirk.

"Oh, and you wouldn't have?" I laugh and wrap my arms around her middle from behind, glad the silence didn't have time to grip us.

"Shut up, get off of me." She tries to sound threatening but it comes across playful and teasing.

"Where are we headed, baby girl? Hmm?" I look down at her, habitually kissing the top of her head.

"My place. I am in desperate need of my makeup remover." She tilts her head up to meet my gaze, hesitates a moment, and then presses her lips to mine; softly and only for a moment, "If that's okay?"

"Of course, baby." I smile, speaking softly, my fingers gently working through her hair as another lightning strike illuminates her shimmering features.


"Woah, this just comes right off doesn't it?" I stare in wonder as she giggles, handing me another makeup wipe. I don't know why she found it so hilarious, but she thought it amusing to have me remove her makeup for her.

"Get the other eye ya weirdo. I have to wash my face off when you're finished." She purses her lips together with impatience, her faux nails tapping against her countertop.

"Patience, young one." I tease, purposefully but gently tracing the liner around her eye.

Her eyes roll but she laughs anyway. Closing her eyes, she waits patiently as I finish the rest of the removal, letting her down from the countertop.

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