18: "A drunk mind and a sober heart."

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FYI: "Friends" and "Even my Dad Does Sometimes" by Ed Sheeran were picked for this chapter specifically ((((-;-

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FYI: "Friends" and "Even my Dad Does Sometimes" by Ed Sheeran were picked for this chapter specifically ((((-;

3rd Person

Her eyes flutter gently open, disturbed from a deep sleep by the familiar sound of rain and distant thunder. Dazed, her eyes adjust to the low light of the room around her. She swallows then, not recognizing the atmosphere at first, but the rain softly falling outside keeps her calm and collected.

A soft groan beside her brings her attention to the softly sleeping blonde beside her. A soft flutter is felt across her heart as she realizes that he has his arms around her, finding comfort in her frame as he sleeps.

His blue eyes remain closed as she traces the side of his face, no longer embarrassed, knowing he can't judge her actions when he sleeps. She admires the soft scars along his jaw, and bites her lip at the sight of his broken nose and bruised eye, caring so much for the boy that has seemingly lost all love for himself.

Luke sleeping was a much less intimidating sight for her, therefore it's not a surprise that she hardly hesitated to kiss one of the scars that had delicately been carved across his skin. Not romantically, but to help the pain fade.

Carefully, so as not to wake the boy with smoke in his lungs, Kat reaches for her phone beside him. Her eyes close at the sudden harsh light of the screen, and when they adjust, she's shocked at the time, and just how long she has let herself lay in Luke's arms.

She realizes with a slight feeling of guilt that she must wake him, pull him from his dreams back into reality. She wishes she could just lay here with him, let him know that everything will be okay, remind him that even with failing lungs, he was breathing, and that was all that mattered.

"Luke?" Kat whispers, carefully watching for a reaction, hoping he wouldn't be upset with her for waking him.

He stirs, momentarily cuddling his face between her neck and chest. She softly calls his name once more.

"Mmm...pretty girl...?" Luke mumbles tiredly, the nicotine from his addiction along with his lack of sleep causing his voice to come out as a low, raspy whisper, "...what time is it?"

"Um, it's like two thirty in the morning," She laughs softly in order to mask her nervousness, the gem hanging from her neck seeming to pull her hand upwards by a string, and her manicured fingers gently trace the emerald once more.

The smoke riddled boy curses under his breath, slowly sitting up as the innocent sun stands in order to give him room. He places his head in his hands with a low grown.

"Fuck. I'm sorry, Kat. I'm sure your parents are worried as hell." His sapphire eyes seem to glow, so bright even though his entire persona is cloudy.

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