25: "Will you hold my hand?"

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cancer and nicotine fit pretty well here

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cancer and nicotine fit pretty well here...


The blood blooms from his mouth like a rose as my screams fade from my own ears. All my senses start to fail me, there is no foundation for me to stand on. Ashton and the other two boys disappear from view; all I can see is the blonde boy that I've learned to care for so much and the pain across his face.

He slowly attempts to reach out to stroke my face, saying something that I cannot hear. All I can hear is my own thoughts, roaring so loud together that my brain starts to shut down.

Hyperventilating, I attempt to sit him up, but paramedics push me backwards, worsening my situation.
Ashton is forced to pull me back, and I'm flailing about, striking him across his arms, digging into his skin with my nails in an attempt to get away and back to Luke as they load him onto the stretcher. In this moment of sheer terror, I catch a quick glance at Michael, who looks after his best friend in disbelief, tears pouring from his sea foam green eyes as he rushes after them like a bat out of hell.

"Ashton, we have t-to g-go!" I screech, attempting to crawl away from him weakly, every labored breath painfully racking my body.

"Baby, Kat, shhhh...." Ashton wraps his arms around me, me struggling still, kissing the back of my head and neck slowly in an attempt to calm me down. I fight for a moment, wanting to run until I can't run anymore in pursuit the boy with smoke-filled lungs. Ashton holds me close to his damp body, steadily rocking the two of us back and forth. Slowly, I give in to my tears and anxiety-induced exhaustion, curling myself into his arms and sobbing into his shirt.

"He'll be okay, baby. Breathe. We're going to go as soon as you calm down..." He's stroking my hair now; rhythmic movements of his fingers that always relax me. He would often play with my hair as I drifted off to sleep to prevent any night terrors from plaguing me any given evening.

"He isn't o-okay." I sob, the words coming out as a forced gasp, as I pull on his hair, his arms pulling me closer still.

"He will be, Kat. The hospital has him now, sweet girl..." Ashton starts to whisper, his fingers tracing patterns in the small of my bare back.

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