26: "A soul like shattered glass."

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Lungs like a cigarette, burning full of tar and blood, begging to be put out.

Heart like glass; one strike pass and it will cease to beat.

Mind like an ocean, full of deadly creatures that are slowly, painfully dragging me into the depths.

I still feel as though I'm trapped underwater; my vision blurred, my ears seem full of cotton as everything sounds thick and jarbled. As tears flow from my eyes and howls from my lips, my lungs begin to crumble. The doctor returns to the room and everything fades at once.

Someone's hand is wrapped around mine, or perhaps both of mine. Both are cold, shaking, but only one is gripping with force.

As my tired eyes adjust to the ungodly white light, I try to ground myself in reality. I'm not drowning. I'm not dying. However, how much longer can I proclaim that?

"Oh thank God, he's okay." Breathes a voice in exhausted relief, the one hand tightening its grip, causing me to wince just a bit, causing the fingers to retract.

Confused, I inhale, a slight stinging in my chest as I do so, and sit up, looking at the two by my side.

"Michael," I croak weakly, rubbing my wrist a little.

His eyes are glassy and his face is blotchy, plagued by past tears. My friend is long since disappeared. My current situation has caused him to become a shell of himself. As I look at him, I notice his greasy hair is slightly patchy. He's been tugging on it with the same strong hand that held mine.

"Shit, Luke. You need to take it easy." He murmurs, no other part of his body animated in any manner.

"Sorry..." I whisper, looking away from his piercing green eyes, guilt chipping away at my fragile glass heart.

The softer hand touches me again, gently and with some hesitation. Kat's movements are slowly, as if she's moving through molasses. Her eyes just as broken as the painter's. Another slash of guilt.

"Luke, you need to lie down." Kat coaxes, biting her lip as she stands, to ease me back on the pillow.

"Where's the d-doctor?" I stutter, realizing just how cold and drained I feel; my lips numb and tingly, as if they've fallen asleep.

"She just left," Another voice from behind Kat speaks up, and Calum rises to his feet, "You had a panic attack and it caused you to cough up more bl-"

Calum cuts himself short, flushing in embarrassment up to his ears. He doesn't want to frighten me.

"Blood." I state, unafraid of the word, "I know."

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