16: "The beauty and the horror of living."

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      The moment that we were let out of that suffocating classroom was the best moment of my entire life

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The moment that we were let out of that suffocating classroom was the best moment of my entire life. I know I that got a score of two at best on that exam and that's perfectly fine with me because I never have to take another damn AP Test again.

While I do enjoy the subject of history and learning in general, I'm a horrific test taker. They make me nervous to the point where I can't even focus on the questions and everything just blurs into mass of letters and numbers.

I take a deep breath as people rush past me, heading further into the hallway without a care in the world.

I envy them and their lack of anxiety over this test.

My lack of sleep and depressed mood certainly didn't help my chances of scoring higher on the exam. My night terrors and Kat's insistence on distancing herself from me lay on my shoulders, weighing me down. I just want to go home and rest, preferably with Kat by my side.

Perhaps with my lack of sleep, and therefore a decrease in judgement and fear, I'll finally be able to tell her exactly how I feel about her. Maybe I'll be able to confess to her what every "I love you" means, what every hug signifies, what every touch indicates: I love her in nearly every way a man can love a woman, yet dumb to express it. If only my tongue was as fearless as my heart.

Maybe I could just twirl her soft hair across my fingers, breathe her in, just let her know. Maybe I could kiss her chapped lips without fear. Maybe I could love her the way I should.

I lean against the lockers just outside of the testing room, contemplating this and many other thoughts, as nerves begin to crawl up my hands, causing them to shake slightly. Kat shouldn't make me this nervous, yet she does. She's so reserved yet so intimidating. A catch twenty-two.

Knowing Calum will meet me by my truck in a few minutes, I start heading towards the correct hallway, on the opposite side of the school. Most everyone has left by now, including teachers. Senior skip day being tomorrow and a stressful test day are reason enough to vacate the premises.

For this reason, the hall in front of me is vacant for a moment.

As I turn to walk down the corridor that I parked nearest to this morning, my heart drops as I hear Kat's quivering voice from somewhere ahead of me. I'm located in a blind spot so I don't see her straight away, but her tone, however quiet it may be, encourages me to quicken my pace.

I stop short. Just watching, for a few moments, feeling my emotions bubble upwards towards my chest.

She likes Luke and I know it. She wants him and I know it. He is friendly with her and I know that. What causes my foundation to break is the situation I found them in.

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