Chapter 1

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1st day
Camila was packing her bag for school when she suddenly heard a beeping noise under her pillow, She found her phone and looked at the screen as she sees a message saying:

"Where the heck are u Mila?!? I've been waiting outside your house" - Dinah.

Camila quickly grabbed her bag and ran outside her room, she was about to go down stairs when she suddenly stepped on a foot.

"Ouch! Watch where you're going!" Sofi said.

"I'm so sorry Sofi, I was in a hurry because Dinah is waiting for me outside. Tell mom I said bye!" She said, as she kissed Sofi's cheeks and waved when she left the house.

As she closed the doors she saw Dinah sitting on a bench waiting.

"Dinah!!" She shouted, running to Dinah hugging her tightly. "I'm so sorry I left you waiting here outside." she giggled.

"It's 7:30. Our classes are starting at 8:00 what took you so long?" Dinah said as they were walking their way to school.

"Oh, I was having thoughts about this dress if I should really wear it." Camila said as she turn around wearing a bright yellow dress with a small bow on her hair.

"Mila! You look beautiful in that dress!" Dinah said.

"Awww thanks, Dinah. I'm glad I have a friend like you." she said and kissed Dinah's cheeks.

As they arrived school, Camila and Dinah both went to their lockers. Camila was busy putting her things in her locker when she heard Dinah far away from her yelling, "Mila hurry up we gotta get a seat!". She nodded back at Dinah in response. As soon as she closed her locker, Camila saw 3 girls walking to the opposite way where Dinah was going. Camila's eyes were shining as if she had seen the most beautiful thing in the world. She was looking at a girl who had the most amazing emerald eyes, a very beautiful smile and her lips as red as a rose. She stood there, complete at awe.

She felt a hand shaking her arm, she looked and it was Dinah's. "Mila we gotta go, don't just stand there." she said.

Camila nodded and as they left, she looked back and saw the girl leaving with her other 2 friends. They both went to their classroom as they saw people already discussing.

"You two are late..go get a seat because we are about to begin our next discussion." Mr. Jonas said.

They both smiled sheepishly at him as they find their seats which was located at the back of the room. Dinah and Camila always sat next to each other during their classes.

"Hey Dinah, do you know who were those 3 girls we passed by earlier?" Camila wondered.

"Oh yeah, they're the new students here!" Dinah said, "Why'd you ask?"

"Oh, because...the girl who had green eyes was very beautiful." Camila blushed and smiled.

"You like her do you?" Dinah smirked as she pushed Camila and laughed.

"No, I don't."she lied, "I just find her pretty that's all." Camila shrugged at Dinah.

Dinah raised a quizzical eyebrow at Camila before giving up and sighing in defeat.

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