Chapter 13

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[ DO NOT BE DELUSIONAL. This is just a picture...nothing else. No, they're not in a relationship yet (notice how i said 'yet'?) HEHEHE. ok bye.]
I Love You

A new day has arrived.

Camila, for the first time woke up early in the morning. She checked what the time was on her phone. "Woah." her eyes widened. "What has gotten into you Cabello?" she asked her goofy self.

"Camila?" Sofi went inside her room. "Hi Sofi." Camila kissed her forehead and smiled. They both sat on the older sister' bed while they talk.

"Me and mom bought you this." Sofi handed a stuff toy to her sister. "For me?" She asked. Sofi nodded and kissed Camila's cheek.

"I already named her Ifos." Her little sister smiled while she holds the stuff toy.

"Why Ifos?" Camila asked. "So that everytime you have nightmares you get to hug me but as a stuff toy. It'll make you feel safe." Sofi said. "Aww. I love this, thank you." Camila awed as she cuddled the stuff toy.

"Dad and i have to go to school now. Bye Camila!" Sofi kissed her sister' cheek before she left her room. "oh and breakfast is ready by the way!" Sofi's voice from the kitchen reached to Camila's room.

Camila smiled and hugged her sister's stuff toy.

She soon went to the bathroom to take a bath.

She finished about 6 minutes after. The small girl opened her closet to grab some clothes to wear.

She decided to wear a long sleeved yellow crop-top with some black skinny jeans and her favorite black high heeled shoes.

She admired herself by looking at the mirror. "I wonder what Lauren would be wearing." She wondered.

"Why do you even wonder Camila?? come on. Lauren looks good all the time, idiot." She bit her lip.

Minutes after she fixed herself, her phone starts to ring. She grabbed it and saw a upcoming call from Dinah.

"Hello?" She said right after she answered. "I'm at school. Where you at? hurry up." Dinah said from the phonecall.

"I'm coming. Be there by 7:30." The small girl said. "Oh by the way, did Lauren tell you about the thing yet?" The Polynesian asked.

"What??" Camila squinted her eyes. "Oh shoot...U-uhm I gotta go. bye Walz!" Dinah ended the call.

"What the f-"Just as she was about to complete the sentence, Sinuhe yelled from the kitchen saying: "Mila! The waffles are getting cold here!".

Camila rolled her eyes and went downstairs with her things.

She then ate the food and left the house.


"Hey!" Lauren standing in the shade under a tree yelled at Camila. The small girl waved and walked towards the 'hot' girl Camila thought of.

"Shit. She looks hot.." Camila said in her mind while she bits her lip. "Hi.." Her soft voice came out. "I gotta tell you something." Lauren held Camila's hand and went to the parking area with Dinah.

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