Chapter 5

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Sleep over pt. 2?

It's been 30 minutes since the kiss happened. Lauren didn't came out of the terrace. Normani tried to open the door but Lauren locked it. Ally and Dinah comforted Camila. "Everything's gonna be alright Mila." Dinah said softly. Camila stood and went to the terrace where the green eyed girl was. Dinah stood too and tried to grab Camila but Ally held Dinah's hand and said— "never mind her Dinah, she knows what to do." Ally grabbed Dinah and made her sat on the couch.

Camila started knocking on the door. "Lauren?" She kept knocking. "Lauren I know you're there, can we please talk?" The small girl said pleasingly to wait for her to open the door. No signs from Lauren was coming. Camila continued knocking the door. Then suddenly Camila heard someone unlocking the door and she knew it was her. Lauren opened the door but no sign of communication to the small girl. Camila locked the door to make sure nobody would come in to interrupt them.

"Hey, I just wanted to see if you're alright?" Camila sat the chair next to Lauren. She looked at the green eyed girl who is focusing on the sky above them. "No answer? That's okay. I'll wait then." Camila layed on the bench making which had her head's direction to the sky. They didn't get to watch the sunset because it was already 6:30 pm. Camila sighed in sadness because Lauren wouldn't answer. The green eyed girl looked at Camila and saw that she had a tear drop falling from her eyes. She knew the small girl was crying so she went nearer to the girl.

"Are you okay?" Lauren asked in confusion. The small girl nodded and swiped her tears using her blue favorite shirt. "I like your shirt. It fits you." Lauren smiled fondly. "I'm okay Camz. I was just refreshing the things that happened." Lauren looked at her. Camila sat properly and looked at Lauren. "Ally told me that i was your first kiss." The small girl said. "Hehe yeah, I can't believe my first kiss was a girl." Lauren laughed in embarrassment. Camila looked up to the sky admiring the view. " You are mine too." She said shyly.

Lauren looked at the small girl and started to smile fondly. Camila layed her head on Lauren's lap making her to lay on the bench while Lauren would sit. "The stars are coming." Camila watching the view above them. Lauren stayed in silence but also watched the view above them. "You know she shouldn't have played that game." Camila laughed. "It was fun." Lauren giggled. "We should play that more often." The green eyed girl looked at Camila then looked away when the small girl saw her looking.

"I like this's cozy and the view is very pretty." Camila looked around her and admired how Lauren was very pretty. "I wish we could stay here for another night." Lauren said. "Besides it's Friday. We can go home at Sunday." She said. "I'll tell mom if we could later." Camila said. While they stayed there for about an hour they heard someone bumping the door. "Shhhh I think they can here you ally." Dinah said. Camila stood and watched the door which is moving as if someone is there. "What do you think they're doing??" Normani giggled. "Shhhhhh they'll here you." Dinah shushed them.

"If Camila sees me doing this I'm-" Dinah got interrupted when Camila opened the door and gave Dinah the 'Death Glare'. "Dead." Dinah finished her sentence then ran downstairs with the rest. "Those dorks." Lauren laughed. She landed her arm on Camila's shoulder and they sat to the couch. Camila grabbed her phone and so did Lauren. Lauren's hands were still on Camila's shoulder as if they look like a couple.

Dinah herself went upstairs quietly then took pictures of them sitting together on the couch with Lauren's hands on her shoulder. "Girls! Dinner is ready!" Papa Jerry yelled and made Lauren and Camila look back and when they looked back they saw Dinah with her phone on their direction. "DINAH!" Camila groaned and ran to Dinah. Dinah quickly went downstairs and hid somewhere else. "It's alright Camz. It's fine to me." Lauren looked at her and they went downstairs together.

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