Chapter 19

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Officially Official

It was a normal rainy Monday.

Camila woke up and yawned. She noticed that her little sister was still sleeping beside her. Camila wondered how'd she get to Sofi's room. She holds Sofi's small hands that was laying on her body and grabbed one of her stuff toys as if it was Camila's body.

"Camila?" Sofi suddenly woke up from Camila's movements. "Sorry to bother you. Morning Sofi." Camila smiled sheepishly and kissed Sofi's forehead.

She immediately went to her room and took a shower.

Camila was excited to go to school today. She couldn't wait to see Lauren. The small girl turned on her Bluetooth speaker and played Ed Sheeran songs as she sings in the shower.

"Mija?" Sinu opens Camila's bathroom door without even knocking. "MOM?" Camila widens her eyes as she covers herself with the bathroom curtain. "Oh I'm sorry to bother, but we'll be having dinner at the Jauregui's house before 7:27 pm." Sinu covered her eyes to prevent seeing Camila's naked body.

"I know mom, I know." Camila rolled her eyes in annoyance. "I was just making sure." Sinu smirks at her daughter.


"So how was the movies with you and Lauren?" Alejandro said as they were taking their breakfast in the dining table. "Surprisingly, out of nowhere we bumped into Ally, Dinah and Mani at the mall." Camila giggled. "So they went with us to the movies when Lauren bought them tickets each." Camila said as she eats her banana.

"Was the movie good?" Alejandro tilted his head. " was amazing." Camila tried to hide her smile from thinking what happened yesterday. "I wanna watch papa." Sofi begged her father. "I can download the movie on my laptop and we can watch if you want." Camila said with her mouth full of cereals. "Yes please! I would love to!" Sofi wiggled herself, and hugged her sister.

"This Lauren of yours seems to be a nice lady." Alejandro said. "I was walking at the grocery mall about a week ago and I saw Mike and her daughter, Lauren. She greeted me respectfully and politely. What a nice girl." Alejandro smiled.

"You should be like that too mija. Don't just say "hi" to the person and leave with your eyes locked on the phone all the time." Sinuhe pointed the spatula to Camila distance away from her.

"Hehe." Camila felt embarrassed. "But seriously dad, Lauren is way better than you think." Camila fluttered. "Alright mija, stop with your sexuality, it's showing again." Alejandro laughed. "Shut up dad." Camila blushed and nudged her dad jokingly.

"I remember when you came out to your Dad and I 2 years ago." Sinu thought about the memory. "Oh here we go again." Camila sighed as she rolled her eyes and listened. "I remember you went out all crying and stuff in front of us and told us that you found out that you are actually bisexual." Sinu smiled, looking at her daughter.

"Remember that Ariana girl you had a crush on way back in 3rd grade? I knew all along that my baby was gay." Sinu joked and laughed. Camila was utterly blushing in front of them.

"Don't be embarrassed mija, you're suppose to be proud that your parents support you throughout your whole sexuality. Because some parents abusively hurt their children just because of that." Sinu smiled at Camila. "Your Dad and I will always be here to fully support you no matter what, and Sofi too." Sinu completed the sentence.

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