Chapter 20

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Follow your heart

Just added a picture ^^^ I'll be uploading chapter 21, the last chapter Soooon :) anyways continue reading nuggets. Xx Zaven

"You're what?!" Sofi gasped.

"I- I can't help it..." Camila lowered her tone, as she grips her pillow tightly.

Camila felt embarrassed for telling her sister privately, about her relationship with Lauren. She felt a surge of anxiety starting to kick in herself but she didn't want to make it too obvious or else she'll make Sofi worried.

"I'm sorry." Camila felt the sudden sadness in herself, she couldn't look at her sister's eyes seriously so she looked at the floor instead. Sofi was still sitting in front of the older Cuban but she couldn't think about anything except for Camila telling her she's gay. The room went in silence for minutes. Sofi was still looking at Camila with a gasping look but the older Cuban doesn't have the confidence to even make a slight glance towards her sister.

"Camila? Sofi?" Sinu immediately opened the door and tilted her head as she looks at them in confusion. "I- Is there something that's going o- on?" The mother said as she stood still holding the door knob. Camila gave a pleasing look at her younger sister, signing her to don't say anything about it.

"Nothing's going on." Both Cuban sisters said it in the same time while they gave their mother a sheepish look and Camila giving out an awkward laugh.

"Great. Now let's go downstairs because dad is waiting for you guys." Sinu waited for her daughters to leave the room and wait downstairs. As she was about to close the door, she heard a message ring tone coming from Camila's bed. Sinu squinted her eyes and moved closer towards the sound.

She found Camila's cellphone, beeping with a message popping out.

Sinu didn't want touch it, she just looks at in intensively. Sinu mumbled something to herself. She nodded and gave a smirk at the phone before she finally left the room.

"Mom?" Camila turned her back after she saw Sinu walking downstairs. "You kinda left your purse on the couch, here you go." The small girl gave her mother's purse. "What took you so long?" Alejandro said with a slight questionable tone. "Nothing." Sinu directed her eyes on Camila before she walks towards the door.


"Here we are. The Jauregui's residence." Alejandro lowered his glass window on his car after admiring The Jauregui's house in front of them. Camila was silent since the beggining she told her sister about it. "That wasn't a good idea Camila, ughh why did you have to do that." Camila wondered in her mind.

They left their car parking in front of the house.

Alejandro stood in front of the door, ready to knock. "Here we go." He said before he started knocking the door.

"Alejandro! My man!" Mike opens the door and gave his buddy a big hug. "Well come on in guys! Make yourselves at home!" Mike happily said as he makes them enter his house. "Oh I forgot to introduce my family. This is my wife Sinu." Alejandro introduced her to Mike. "Nice to meet ya." Mike shook Sinuhe's hand. "This is my youngest, Sofia." He said as the younger Cuban gave Mike a kiss on the cheek.

"And of course, my oldest, Karla." He introduced her. Camila waved, "It's actually Camila.." She mumbled. "I've heard your name a lot from my oldest, Lauren." Mike chuckled. "You guys must be best friends huh?" Mike asked. Camila nodded shyly. "Camila, Camila." Sofi patted her older sister. "Yes Sofi?" Camila looks down at her sister. "I wanna meet her." Sofi said. "Who?" Camila tilted her head. "Your girlfr-" Camila covered Sofi's mouth before she could finish her words, They almost got caught in front of Sinu who is mysteriously looking at them.

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