Chapter 2

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As soon as they finished their Chemistry class, Dinah and Camila packed their bags and quickly went to the gym. While walking, Camila was thinking some compliments to tell Lauren when they arrive at the gym.

"Hey Lauren, you look good toda-" Camila stopped and told herself that it was a bad one so she shook herself and started thinking for a new one. "Lern Jergi! How are you?" Camila cringed about that compliment. "I suck at this." Camila said as she gripped her hands tightly from anger.

Dinah was confused, so she landed her hand on Camila's shoulder and said- "You okay there Mila? Why the heck were you talking to yourself?" She asked. "I'm okay I was just....thinking some compliments for Lauren but since I suck at it I'm pissed off." Camila said stressfully as she bows her head and sighs.

"It's alright. You don't have to stress yourself out just for that." Dinah giggled as she bites her apple while walking. "You know, you just gotta go with the flow and not act weirdly when she's there." Dinah told Camila.

"I tried...but i can't resist the fact that she's so beautiful it makes me panic in the inside" Camila blushed and bowed, feeling embarrassed telling Dinah the truth. "I ship it" Dinah grinned and took a bite on her apple. "You what??" Camila asked awkwardly.

"I ship it, I ship both of you together." Dinah looked at Camila and gave her a quick hug.
Camila was shocked about what Dinah said. Camila blushed in awkward silence while walking towards the gym. "I better find a ship name for both of you later" Dinah smirked.

As they entered the gym, people were lining up for the try outs. "All righty, now all we gotta do is find Lauren and the others." Dinah said as they searched for the girls around the gym. "Oh, I see them" Dinah waved at the girls as they walked towards them. "Hey guys, you ready for the try outs? I'm feelin' a bit scared today." Dinah said. "I am so not ready for this." Ally laughed in embarrassment. "I can't even draw a perfect circle and craft things well." Ally giggled to herself.

"Are you ready Camila?" The green eyed girl asked. "Ye- yea, I'm just kinda scared." Camila said nervously. "Hey it's alright, there's nothing to be afraid of." Lauren said as she put her hand on Camila's shoulder. Camila suddenly stood there in awkward silence and felt like there were butterflies on her stomach. Meanwhile Dinah stood behind Lauren and gave Camila a thumbs up while smirking.

Camila still standing in front of Lauren awkwardly. "Wait wha- what did u say?" Camila blinked twice just to make sure that she wasn't day dreaming. Lauren giggled and told Camila- "I said, there's nothing to be afraid of.". "Oh yea, yea." Camila laughed awkwardly. "It's alright I'm fine, I was just kinda scared. But I'm okay now." Camila smiled and told Lauren that she was fine.

"Dinah and I should go to the try outs now." Normani said. "Oh, me too! I'll come with you guys. Besides the tryouts for Arts and Crafts are nearby the Dance try outs." Ally grinned to herself as she stood next to Dinah and Normani. Dinah whispered to Ally and Normani, "Let the two love birds stay together." She winked and smirked to the 'love birds' in front of them. Camila stood next to Lauren and looked at Dinah who is giggling with the other girls. She knew what Dinah and the girls were talking about. So Camila gave Dinah a death glare signing that she has done enough and she was too much. But Dinah didn't care at all.

"We'll see you guys later after our tryouts. Meet us at the cafeteria." Normani said. "Bye Lauren, Bye Camila." Dinah gave Camila a huge smirk as they left. "Alright..we should go to the try outs now." Lauren said. They went to the Glee Club tryouts and as they entered, Camila had her anxiety attacks but she told herself that she shouldn't show it off to Lauren. "All right! as soon as you hear your name, come to this door and start singing!" Ms. Joana pointed the place and left.

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