Chapter 6

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Movie Date

It was finally Saturday, the 2nd day of their sleepover

Dinah woke up exactly 8 in the morning. She went outside the terrace to see the view. She went back inside and saw Camila laying down on the couch and saw her writing something from a book. "Morning Mila." The Polynesian sat next to her. "Morning." She tilted her head and leaned to the see what the small girl was doing. "Soo you're composing a song huh?" Dinah looked at the small girl's notebook seeing the title "Yellow".

"Yep and it's for her." Camila pointed Lauren who was still sleeping.

"So about the kiss?" Dinah said quietly making sure nobody heard her. The small girl nodded. "It was fine she said." Camila closed her book and admired Lauren. "You really like her do you?" Dinah smiled softly. "Yeah I really, really do." Camila looked at Lauren and smiled fondly. "I'm happy if you're happy." The Polynesian hugged the small girl proudly.

"So how are you and Siope?" Camila looked at Dinah but the Polynesian didn't answer. "Are you okay? Is there something I wasn't suppose to say?" Camila asked in confusion. "That guy was bitch after all." Dinah groaned. "Woah language, are you guys over?" Camila asked. "Yea we are. I found him kissing a girl when Normani, Ally and I went to the tryouts." Dinah giggled happily. "It's fine though, I didn't like that guy from the beginning anyway." Dinah rolled her eyes and laughed playfully. "That's my girl." Camila giggled.

Camila and Dinah heard someone knocking the door. They checked and they found Patricia holding pancakes and bacon with Jerry. "Hey girls! Papa H coming thru!" Papa Jerry whispered. Patricia put the plates on the couch near the fireplace. "Tell us when you guys are done." Patricia mouthed them before they left the room. "You go wake Lauren up and I'll wake the others." Dinah smirked. Camila nodded.

"Lauren." Camila sat next to sleeping girl. She looked at her lips and admired how beautiful Lauren really is. "Lauren." She repeated and it made Lauren wake up. Lauren stretched and moaned of tiredness. She soon found Camila smiling at her.

"Hey Camz." Lauren smiled fondly. "Morning." They both said it together. Camila giggled cutely. Lauren moved and sat next to the girl. "Morning!" Ally and Normani jumped at the couch, so did Dinah. "PANCAKES." Ally yelled in happiness. "Your favourite?" Camila chuckled looking at the short girl who looks excited. "YES." Ally said. "Well then let's start eating." Normani said.

Each of them all had 2 pancakes and 3 bacon in one plate. "Your parents are the best." Dinah said while there's food on her mouth. "Pshh! Don't talk when your mouth is full!" Camila slapped Dinah's arm making Dinah laugh.

"Can we all go to the Carnival today??" Normani asked. "Cross that arcade shit, what about we go to the movies today and the carnival for tomorrow?" Lauren said. "YASS! Good idea lolo." Ally clapped. They all finished their breakfast at 8:45 am. "I'll go take the shower first." Lauren said as she took her towel from her bag. "I'm next." Camila said. "IM NEXT AFTER CAMILA!" Dinah and Normani yelled. "NO IM NEXT." Dinah pushed Normani playfully. "Excuse me ladies quit fighting I'm next after Camila." Ally pouted. "Right Mila?" Ally winked. Camila giggled and nodded.

"Fine I'm last." Dinah sigh in defeat. "Thanks boo boo." Normani kissed Dinah's cheek and layed on Ally's bed. Dinah rolled her eyes playfully and went outside the terrace for some air. "I'm done!" Lauren stood with only a towel covering her body. "You're turn." Lauren tapped Camila's shoulder. Camila blushed and ran to the bathroom with her towel. "Dork." Lauren giggled.

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