Thank You

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To everyone who were on this journey, thank you so much for being here. I really do appreciate your kind and loving support on a daily basis <3 This is my 1st ever book and it's really bad since I never had experienced writing a god damn book ever. But I've been practicing lately and the puzzle's kinda getting into the right places. (TBH I never actually thought I'd get 20+k readers)

It's been a wild journey with all of you <3

Lauren and Camila are experiencing their bestest lives at the moment (especially the new addition to the family, Skylar). Here's a picture of Camren enjoying the sunset together.

If there is any questions you'd like to ask, feel free to hit me up on the messages or comment whatever you want :)

Anyways, have a good day bbies and be happy :) Xx Zaven

I love you.

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