Chapter 8

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The Pink Rose

They finally arrived at Ally's house. "Holy shit, today was such a good day." Lauren giggled cutely. They all packed their bag for later. "This 2 days of sleep over gave me life." Dinah closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "I have never had this much fun, thank you." Camila said as she put her towel and clothes on her bag. The small girl giggled and stopped when she noticed that the movie thing that happened earlier with Lauren was just a dream. She stopped and sighed quietly wishing it was real.

"How about we have some pancakes before leaving my house?" Ally suggested. They nodded. "I love pancakess." The green eyed girl grinned happily. "I need me some food right now, she's hungry." Dinah pointed her belly which was growling.

"Mom and dad are not home yet so I'll cook for y'all." The short girl said as she went through the kitchen and grabbed the pan and the pancake mix. "Oh I'll help." The small girl walked towards Ally. "I know how to cook pancakes, may I?" Camila helped Ally and grabbed the pan for her. Meanwhile the 3 girls went outside Ally's house and sat on her front yard. So it's just Ally and Camila left inside.

Ally was mixing the ingredients while Camila was preparing the pan and the plates. "You like her do you?" Ally nudges    the small girl. Camila stopped what she was doing and looked at Ally. "Who?" She said. "You know who I mean Mila, Lauren." They both stared at each others eyes. "Lauren?? Like?? Pfftt nah." The small girl lied. "I know you're lying Mila." Ally laughed cutely while the small girl stood awkwardly. "It's fine Mila you don't have to be afraid of telling us who you like." The short girl said while she's mixing the ingredients.

"I'm here for you mija, We're here for you." Ally looked at the small girl. Camila's eyes widened and her face starts to blush so she looked back and continued arranging the plates on the counter. Ally giggled. "Yes." The small girl said quietly while looking back. "Yes?" Ally said in confusion. "I like her." She said quietly making her awkward.

She closed her eyes in embarrassment. She opened her eyes noticed that something was touching her. She looked down and saw Ally hugging her. "Ally what are y-" she stopped when Ally interrupted her. "I love you Mila, remember that." The short girl said proudly. Camila smiled and hugged the short girl tightly. "Love you too Ally." She smiled.

"You gonna cook pancakes or just hug there?" Lauren stood on the counter giggling. Camila and Ally laughed together and continued cooking the pancakes. They made small ones and big ones and added raspberries on top and chocolate syrup. "DINAH!!!! MANI!! food's ready!" Lauren shouted and heard footsteps coming to their way.

"What the hell happened to you guys??" Camila's eyes widened when she saw Dinah's hair was messy and Normani had dirt all over her shirt.

"Mani and I were just jumping around and cart wheeling on Ally's front yard for our snapchat." Dinah said. "It was so fun, my laugh was so loud that 1 kid went outside his house and checked what happened." Normani and Dinah laughed. Ally handed the pancakes on the table and they all sat and ate together.


They finally left ally's house and walked towards their houses. "What block are you guys in?" Camila asked Lauren and Normani. "Block 8. Just a block away from ally's house." Normani said as they talk while walking. The green eyed girl stumbled on a pink flower, she picked it up and noticed it was a pink rose. "Look what I found." She said while holding the Rose. "That looks cute." Camila looked at it. "Here you can have it." Lauren handed the flower to Camila.

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