Chapter 16

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The Concert

It was Saturday morning, the day Ed Sheeran will have his concert in Miami.

Camila's alarm clock alarmed early in the morning.

The small girl yawned while she stops the alarm. She walked towards her calendar to check the date. She suddenly screamed and hopped everywhere.

"MIJA?!" Sinuhe panicked when she heard her daughter's scream. "TODAY'S THE CONCERT MOM!!" Camila's face lit up with a big grin on her face while she points the date in the calendar.

"Come on made me panic." Sinuhe sighed while she hugs the small girl. "What time will it start?" Sinuhe sat on Camila's bed while she glances all over her room, watching if it's clean or not.

"6:00 pm..." Camila stopped while she felt embarrased that she had to wake up 6:00 am because she was too excited.

"Dios mio Camila! It's 6 in the morning!" Sinuhe startled.

"I- I was just too...excited." Camila bowed her head. "Well then tell me when you're leaving later. I'll drive you to the arena." Sinuhe stood in her door as she was about to leave.

"No wait! You don't have to.. Lauren's picking me up." Camila's cheeks flushed in cherry red. "What is up with you and this Lauren girl?" Sinuhe gave the small girl a quizzical eyebrow.

"I remember you told me things about her. A lot actually.." Sinuhe said.

"You guys like eachother huh?" Sinuhe tilted her head.

Camila widened her eyes. "No! that's not what it looks like mom." The small girl startled.

"How come you talk about her a lot? she's always in your group when you guys go out? Explain that mija." Sinuhe squinted her eyes.

"She's just a.. friend." Camila said softly. "Can you please go out now? I need my privacy mom." Camila reached her hand out to grab the door knob and opened it.

"Oh mija.." Sinuhe giggled and walked away.

She closed the door and sighed while her sweat falls from her head. "Oh my god. Mom should'nt know I'm suppose to be like this." Camila talked to herself.

Her phone beeps from her bag, she went to go grab it.

Can't believe today's the concert!?! I CANT WAIT MILA! -Unknown

She tilted her head while she wonders who's number was messenging her.

It's DJ btw. My phone fell off the toilet last night :( Save this number Walz.

Camila giggled at the polynesian's reply.

Okay dinahhh. See you later

Camila turned off her phone and went to go get a shower.


She finished showering and grabbed her phone when she noticed Dinah's message.

By the way if you don't know yet, Lauren's picking us up by 5:30. HAHAHHAHA CAMREN ok don't get mad i'll leave now bye mija. (i love camren btw)

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