Chapter 15

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"Camila?...wake up." A person was tapping her back. Camila growled and ignored."Camila we have to go. We'll miss our flight." The person woke the small girl up. She tilted her head. "What?" She asked.

"We have to take a flight back to LA. Didn't I tell you that we were moving?" Sinuhe stood there with a bag, ready to leave.

"What?!?" Camila widened her eyes. She shook her head making sure she wasn't dreaming.

"Where's Lauren?! Is she okay?!? What happened to her?!?" Camila panicked and grabbed her phone.

"Camila?... Who is Lauren?..." Sinuhe tilted her head in confusion.

"You don't know Lauren?! Lauren Jauregui!? THE ONE I USUALLY TALK ABOUT EVERYDAY?!? YOU DON'T KNOW WHO SHE IS?!" Camila furrowed her brows in anger.

"Stop with the day dreaming Camila. We have to go. Flight is in an hour, I'll wait for you downstairs." Sinuhe giggled knowing the small girl was acting weird.

"But I have school today." Camila stood looking at her mother leaving her room. Sinuhe looked and direct eye contact at her. "Camila stop. It's summer. Your school starts in 2 months what are you talking about??" Sinuhe laughed and left the room.

Suddenly a pitch black appeared. Camila couldn't breath. She opened her eyes and saw blankets and pillows covering her whole body making her suffocate. She tried to move them off and fell from her bed.

"ouch!" Camila growled when she accidentally fell off her bed. A footstep was walking towards her. The person helped the small girl with the blankets scrambling all over Camila's body.

"Dinah?!" Camila breath heavinly. "Nice sleep Walz?" Dinah covered her mouth while she laughs at the girl on the floor.

"You had some wild dreams eh?" Dinah pointed her bed, all messed up. "Where's Lauren?!" Camila stood up. "Uhh...sleeping?? It's 6:40 AM." Dinah squinted her eyes.

"Then what about last night?? At Lauren's hou-" Camila got intterupted. "Dream." Dinah said as she sips her tea.

"Are you sure Dinah?? Nothing happened to her?" Camila asked with a small frown on her face. "Nope. Everything's fine Camila." Dinah sat on the small girl's bed. Camila ran towards the polynesian and gave her a tight hug.

"Okayy?" Dinah startled when the small girl hugged her. "I love you Dinah." Camila smiled while she hugs the polynesian. "I love you too Mila, now go and get ready. I'll buy you some tacos later." Dinah giggled.


"Lauren!" The small girl ran towards her when she saw the green eyed girl waiting for them on the shade under the tree.

"Hey camz!" Lauren opened her arms, ready to hug the small girl. "Are you okay??" Camila worried while she wonders about the thing that happened last night.

"What do you mean? Of course I am!" Lauren grinned as she sips her coffee. "Oh my god. All of that was just a dream?! the hell Camila.."  Camila thought in her mind.

She checked what time it was on her phone. 7:20 was the time in the morning. Camila felt a hand holding hers. "Lo?" Camila looked at the green eyed girl who was holding the small girl's hand. Lauren grinned while she walks with her.

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