Chapter 14

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5:00 AM.

"Dear Diary,
In my entire life, this has never happened to me before. The feelings I am feeling towards a person is something different. Something I never felt before. Is this it? Is this what they call 'True Love?" . It's 5:00 in the morning and I still couldn't think straight about her. Lauren, you are a wonderful person. Thank you for everything. Without you I would be a boring geek from Miami probably reading fan fictions about larry. Ever since I met you, my whole life has changed. This is a memorable moment in my life that I would never forget. You probably might not see that I am writing this but hopefully someday you will. I am writing this because I love you. You Lauren, you. The first time I saw you from the hall way was way unbelievable. Everytime I see you, my heart beat just pounds really fast. It was as if I have seen an angel walking towards me and that moment I knew it was you. It has always been you Lauren. You bring happiness in my life. You are the person who would not leave until everything's fine. You're perfect. What did i deserve to have this perfect human being as my friend? Your green emerald eyes will always be the death of me. Your cross choker fits you very well. The way your mind speaks about rights is just extraordinary. Every single day, I fall in love with you over and over again. Is this even okay to be crazy in love with you?? I know that this is it. You're my destiny. And even if forever does not exist, I hope we break that one day. There might be a million words existing in this planet but none of them could describe how I love you. I love you Lauren. I really do and hopefully someday you might have feelings for me like I have to you. I love you. Always. -Camila"

Camila finished writing her letter on her Journal.

She layed on her bed and wondered: "Why am I even up at this time??" She watches the time on her wall clock. "Come on Mila. Stop dorking around." The small girl closed her eyes and tries to sleep.


Camila picked up her phone on her desk to call Dinah, but The Polynesian wasn't answering. The small girl growled even more.

Suddenly, her phone starts to ring. Camila's steady pace of her heartbeat starts to grow when she saw Lauren calling. The small girl wondered why would Lauren call early in the morning.

"Hello?..." She answered with a soft tone. "Camila?." Lauren spoke from the phone. "Why did you call this early? Is something wrong?" Camila said in a worried tone. "Camz..." Lauren starts to lose signal. "Lauren?" Camila sat on her bed in confusion.

"....." A silence occured on the phonecall seems to see that Lauren wasn't answering. The phone call suddenly ended out of nowhere.

Camila stood up and tried to contact Dinah. "Hey! It's Dinah! I'm probably sleeping right now so leave a message. Bah feliciah (laughs)" Dinah's answering machine said. Camila groaned.

She then received a call from Lauren. The small girl quickly answered. "Lauren?? Is everything okay??" Camila panicked. "H- Hel..p- p." Lauren in a slow voice stuttered and ended the call.

Camila panicked and grabbed her jacket. She climbed out of her window and jumped off the roof. She ran and called Normani. "Mani?! I need your help! S- something happened to L- lauren I gotta go help her!" Camila panicked from the phonecall. luckily Normani answered. "What?! I'm coming I'll wait for you outside my house. Hurry!" Normani lost her signal and ended.

Camila ran as fast as she could. She panicked and tried to call anyone but they were all out of service except for Normani.

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