Chapter 7

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Wait What??

"Camz...Camz." The small girl heard a noise coming from the distance. "Camila." She felt someone tapping her shoulder. She opened her eyes and saw Lauren in front of her. "Nice sleep?" The green eyed girl snorted. Camila wiggled herself and sat on the chair properly. She blinked thrice just to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

"Wait, what?" Her eyes widened. "So that wasn't real??" Camila asked in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Lauren asked. "Oh nothing...Nevermind." The small girl snorted. They left the theatre and caught a cab. "To the carnival please." Normani said a s handed the payment for the cab. "It was good wasting your $20 for sleep huh?" Dinah joked. They talked and talked until they arrived to their destination.


"What about we go to the Ferris Wheel first?" Ally asked. They nodded and walked toward the big Ferris wheel. "I'm paying." The small girl moved in front of the counter and payed. "Here you go." Camila handed them their tickets each. "Thanks Camz." Lauren smiled fondly. "Haha you welcome." The small girl giggled happily. They entered the cage and waited for the Ferris wheel to move.

As the Ferris Wheel moves, it stops making the 5 girls' spot stopped on the top. They admired the view of Miami. "Hey I can see my house from here." The short girl joked. They all giggled. "Look how beautiful this is." Lauren's eyes widened in suprise. "She might admire the view in front of us, but my view is better here." Camila thought in her mind as she looked at the green eyed girl sitting beside her. "Why so perfect Jauregui?" She said in her mind, making her smile.

As the Ferris Wheel moves going down, one of the maintenance guy said: "9 more stops and y'all out." He said. As it moves going up Dinah groaned. "Rudee." The Polynesian rolled her eyes. "We should go to a roller coaster next." Ally and Normani said. They both giggled knowing that they both said it in the exact same time. "Nuh uh I'm scared of roller coasters." The green eyed girl declined. "It'll be fun Laur." Camila convinced and landed her hand on Lauren's lap.

"Fine." Lauren rolled her eyes playfully and giggled. "Yayy!" The Polynesian shouted.

They soon stopped and went to the Roller Coaster 3000. "I can't wait!!" Normani held Dinah's hand in excitement. they went to the counter and payed for their tickets. They went inside the cave entrance where the roller coaster is. "5 person in 1 row!" The girl who must be one of the workers shouted. They all sat next together in 1 row and waited for the roller coaster to start. Their position is Lauren-Camila-Dinah-Normani-Ally. The worker tightened their belts for safety. "Just wait for about 3-5 minutes until our coaster is full." The worker said.

"I'm so scared." The small girl said nervously. "Same, my heart is palpitating really fast." Normani prayed. "Don't be." Lauren calmed them. "Says the girl who said she was scared to try roller coasters." Ally rolled her eyes and laughed.
"C- can I hold your...hand? It'll make me panic less." The small girl asked to the green eyed girl. "Just hold on." Lauren accepted and held Camila's hand tightly. They all held each others hands tightly because they were nervous.


"Alright batch 5 is about to start any minute now!" The lady/worker shouted. "Oh god." Ally's eyes widened. "Here we go! 3...2...1!" The lady said as she pressed the start button making the coaster move.

There were screams everywhere. Camila manage to not embarrass herself from Lauren. Dinah's weave was on point even though she didn't tie it. Normani's legs wouldn't calm down. Lauren would laugh and scream at the same time, no one knows why. And Ally kept praying every time the coaster speeds up.

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