Chapter 12

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Oops, baby I love you

It's Wednesday morning.

"Mija!!" A loud knock was coming from Camila's room. "Open your door!" Sinuhe said loudly. "Mija if you-" Sinuhe stopped when she heard Camila's footsteps walking towards the door. Sinuhe's eyes widened when the small girl opened her room. "Mija! What is this mess!?" Sinuhe growled while she points tons of papers messed up on the floor.

"Sorry...I was trying to do something." Camila apologized and gathered the papers on the floor. She yawned loudly.

"Well hurry up Mija, food's ready." Sinuhe said and left the small girl's room. Camila nodded as her response. Minutes later, she received messages from Dinah. She grabbed her phone and read it.

Hey Walz, might be busy today. I might have dance practice today w/ Mani. I texted Lauren if she could be with you for this day, she agreed. She'll wait for you outside the classroom by dissmisal. Byee Walz. - Dinah.

Camila frowned sadly and replied:

Okay. U better not be playing just to make Lauren and I hang-out or I'm about to kill you.

She thought Dinah was making jokes but the Polynesian wasn't. Suddenly, Camila remembered that she'd be having singing class today with Lauren. She smiled knowing that she would see Lauren singing again. So, she agreed that Dinah should go with her dance practice.


She walked to school by herself today.

As she walks towards their school gate, she felt a hand touching her shoulder. She looked back and saw Lauren smiling. Camila took off her earphones and stood there quietly as her cheeks starts to flush in red. "Hey camz." Lauren grinned. "H- hi Lauren." Camila stuttered shyly. "I love your outfit." Lauren looked at the small girl from the top to the bottom, admiring Camila's cute outfit which was a bow on her hair, a blue off-shoulder and her cute white skinny jeans with her black boots and of course her blue bag.

Camila smiled fondly looking at Lauren's eyes. "Thanks." She replied. "Dinah texted me today saying that she couldn't be with you for now. Guess I'm staying with you for a bit." Lauren held Camila's hand and looked at her with a cute smile. They both locked eyes for a quick second.

Camila's cheeks flushed in red a lot. She manage not to make too obvious. So then they both head to The small girl's classroom. "So I guess you have to go to your class now. I'll be going to mine which is just in front of yours." Lauren giggled and pointed her classroom which was infront of Camila's classroom.

The bell suddenly ranged which means their 1st period is about to start. "I guess I have to go now. Bye camz." Lauren hugged Camila and left. Camila stuttered. "Hey Cabello! Class is about to start!" A student from the classroom said. Camila went to her seat and sat there.

Camila stuttered when Lucia suddenly shocked her. "Woah!" Camila's eyes widened. "Sorry to bother I was almost late." Lucia sat on her chair which was beside Camila's. "Should I really ask what Lucia and Lauren's relationship is?" Camila wondered.

"Hey sorry to bother you this but may I ask, are you and Lauren together?" She asked shyly. "What! Of course not! Lauren and I are childhood friends. Lauren likes someone else." Lucia giggled when Camila asked if they were in a relationship. "Oh..sorry." Camila felt embarrassed. "So if they're not together..who is Lauren's crush?" She wondered.

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