Chapter 4

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Card Relay

Camila woke up at exactly 8:30 in the morning.

She grabbed her phone from her desk and immediately messaged Dinah.


The small girl couldn't handle her excitement so she went downstairs to the kitchen to grab some snacks for later.
As she went down, she saw her mother cooking eggs and bacon early in the morning. "Mom, today's our sleep over I can't wait!" She hopped around the counter and sat on a chair to wait for her mother's meal. "Calm down mija. It's 8:30 in the morning aren't you suppose to go at 9?" Sinu asked. "Yeah I know it's at 9 but I couldn't wait." Camila played with the spoon and fork and accidentally dropped both on the floor. "Oops" she giggled.

"Tell me when you're done cooking, I'll be upstairs getting ready." Camila smiled and went upstairs in a hurry. She layed on her bed and saw Dinah's message. She opened her phone and found out she had 2 messages.

It's 8:30 Mila -.- they're going at 9. Gimme some time to sleep zzzzz - Dinah

Wake me up when it's 8:50. Bah Felicia - Dinah

Camila soon groaned in anger because she wanted Dinah to wake up early but she declined. So Camila was getting ready. She soon went to the shower area and lasted for 6 minutes. She dried herself and opened her closet to see what she would wear. Camila found this blue long sleeves shirt to wear, but it was too big on her so she tied it in front and made the decision that it was the one she would wear. She also picked this black skinny jeans that fitted her perfectly. Camila looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. "Don't mess this sleep over Mila or else Lauren's gonna feel awkward about it." She pointed herself in the mirror and said.

It was soon 8:50 in the morning. Camila grabbed her phone and called Dinah.

Her phone was soon ringing but there was no answer coming. She canceled and called again. And finally Dinah answered. "It's 8:50 wake up chinah." Camila said. "Im coming I'll message when I'm done." Dinah said.

"Mija! Food is ready." Sinu yelled. "I'm coming!" Camila quickly ran downstairs and went to the kitchen table. Sinu gave Camila the food on her plate. Camila was in a hurry so she ate her breakfast really quick. "Calm down mija, they're not exactly gonna arrive at 9." Sinu looked at the small girl who was very fast at eating. "Mom, it's 8:55 what do you expect of course I'm in a hurry." Camila said with a full mouth. She soon finished her meal and went back upstairs and texted Dinah.

DINAH LETS GO IT'S 8:59! -Camila

Camila hopped and grabbed her bag and sat on her bed and waited for Dinah's reply.

I'm at my front yard, where u at? -Dinah

Camila ran downstairs and shouted— "Mom! I'm leaving see you tomorrow!" She said. She left her house and went to Dinah's house which was just a block away. She checked her phone and saw that the time was 8:59. Camila was too excited so she ran. She arrived and found Dinah sitting on a bench. "Ahhh exactly 9, what an early bird." Dinah laughed. "Too excited huh?" Dinah joked around. "Yeah I'm very excited." They laughed. When Camila heard a beeping noise on her phone, she took it out and found a message from "Lern Jergi.".

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