Chapter 21

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[ BEFORE YOU WATCH THE VIDEO FINISH READING THE CHAPTER FIRST!] So I'm not exactly sure if this is the last chapter or maybe I'll put on more updates. Thank you for reading this entire series. I appereciate the fact that you guys liked it (at first I thought nobody would read it oml). So enjoy today's chapter! Xx Z


5 months later.

"Laur?!" Camila walks towards The green eyed girl's room.

She walked through and found the other Cuban still peacefully sleeping in her bed. "Lauren." Camila peacefully walks towards the sleeping girl. "Babe." Camila slowly nudges Lauren. "Not now." Lauren growled.

"Babe, we'll miss our flight soon." Camila smiled while she gently gives Lauren kisses on her cheeks.

"Rgghh- What time is it?" Lauren mumbled. "9:30 in the morning." Camila giggles. "Get up sleepy head." Camila smiled. "I would but if you lay beside me first." Lauren sniffed her nose.

"Okay baby." Camila smiled and laid beside the green eyed girl.

"You're so beautiful." Lauren admires the younger Cuban. "I thought you said Dinah's better than me?" Camila squinted. "Cute and beautiful are different babe." Lauren pinched Camila's nose.

"Okay but perfect is beyond beautiful right?" The smaller Cuban asked. "Yea. Why'd you ask?" She was confused. "Because I can see one in front of me right now." Camila hid her fondly smile.

"Cabello, you. are. taking my breath away every moment I spend with you." Lauren leaned closer to give the girl a kiss on the forehead.

Camila was about to lean closer to the green eyed girl but she saw the time on their wall clock. The small girl covered her mouth before Lauren connected her lips. "What?" The older Cuban was confused.

"It's 10:00." She pointed the wall clock behind Lauren. "So what? 20 more minutes please?" Lauren begged eagerly. "I already took a shower and plus, our flight is like in an hour" Camila chuckled.

"But will we do it in our vacation though?" Lauren smirked.

"We can do it every time but not today, okay?" Camila cupped her hands on Lauren's cheeks. "Okay." Lauren smiled.


They were both packing their bags, ready to go to the airport.

"What's that for?" Camila turned around and looks at the camera on Lauren's hands.

"For taking pictures duh." Lauren rolled her eyes playfully. "What kind of pictures?" Camila asks.

"You see, I love taking pictures of things that I find really pretty and I put them on my journal for memories." Lauren said.

"For example." Lauren held her camera and took a photo of Camila standing in front of her with a 'not ready' face, but Lauren finds it cute anyway.

The green eyed girl giggled when she checks the picture she took.

"Lauren! Delete that!" Camila looks at her awkwardly face on the small screen. "No. This will forever be in my journal." She wiggled her tounge. Camila pouted her lips and disagreed.

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