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Lauren finally bought Camila a dog since she couldn't stand Camila who seems to remind her about getting a dog on a daily basis. So Lauren decided to adopt a dog from an animal shelter in Miami today. She hopes this will work out.

"Camzi!" The green eyed girl woke her girlfriend up.

"Wake up. I have a surprise for you." She whispered through her ears.

"What?" Camila hesitated, unsure what she was thinking.

"I'll tell you if you wake up." Lauren wiggled her tongue playfully, as she lays on the small girl's stomach. "Not now. It's my month today Lauren." Camila shoved Lauren away from her stomach before she can cause her stomach cramps.

"Awww my baby seems to be in her month today." Lauren frowned while she pinched Camila's cheeks.

"Can you not? I'm having my mood swings. You'll make my day worst if you keep teasing me." Camila rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"But what if I bought you something you really wished to have before?" Lauren smirked. "WAIT. WHAT IS IT?" Camila finally woke up and immediately sat on her bed, with her eyes wide open. "I'll tell you if only you give me kisses." Lauren pointed her cheeks while she closes her eyes, assuming for kisses to come.

"IS IT A DOG LAUREN??" Camila panics intensively.

"I said only if you give me-" Lauren got interrupted when Camila quickly gave her girlfriend many kisses all over her cheeks and even in her lips.

"Now can you please please PLEASE tell me what is it?" Camila begged and begged.

"Do you really want to know what it is?" Lauren raised her brow and smirked.

"If it's a dog I'll start to cry. I swear to god Jauregui." Camila tries to handle her excitement. "Okay close your eyes." Lauren directed her. The small girl obeyed the older Cuban's word. "Here it comes." Lauren grabbed something from the plastic.

"Tadaa!!" Lauren said after she puts a small bow on Camila's hair.

"LAUREN!!!" Camila growled. "You don't like it?" Lauren tries to control herself from laughing. "I thought you were going to give me a dog!" Camila sighed. "Ughhhh. You already made my day worst than what I thought." Camila rolled her eyes and stood up to go and wash her face in the bathroom.

"If that's what you think." Lauren sighed. "I'm sorry you thought it was a dog, babe." Lauren stood behind Camila. "I'll just go to the living room. Sorry." Lauren walked slowly towards the door, waiting for Camila to reply. "K." Camila said.

"If you say so." Lauren shrugged and continued walking towards the living room. Little did the small girl know, the puppy was at the couch all along.

Lauren walked towards the dog. She even bought him a bow to make him look cuter. "Camila's gonna love you little buddy." Lauren looked at the dogs eyes and kissed his forehead. She sat beside him at the couch and watched a Disney movie.

"Where the hell is she?" Lauren asked the puppy even though she knows he couldn't understand anyway.

"Lauren!" Camila's voice was heard from their bedroom. "Yeah?" Lauren responded. "Could you please tie my shoes? I can't bend or else you know what will happen." Camila said. "Coming!" Lauren replied. "Stay here little buddy, okay?" She looks at the dog. "Okay Lauren." She talked at herself.

Secretly In Love (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now