Chapter 3

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Burger Place
As soon as Ally's father came to pick them up, Ally sat beside the drivers seat and while the other 4 were at the back. Camila sat beside Lauren near the window while Dinah and Normani were sitting together.

"Hi Ally's dad!" Dinah said. "You can call me Papa Jerry or just Jerry." Jerry said while getting ready to start the car. "Dad I would like you to meet my new friends Dinah and, Camila. They're a year lower than us." Ally said. "Hello!". Papa Jerry giggled and continued their journey.

"Where should we go Ally?" Jerry asked. "Oh, remember that pizza place we ate last night? Can we go there?" Ally smiled like a cute little puppy. Jerry nodded and continued driving to their destination.

Meanwhile, Camila was looking at the view on the window and she looked beside her and found Lauren sleeping. Camila blushed and tried to look away but she couldn't resist how Lauren looked so cute with a SnapBack on her head. Dinah and Normani were busy looking at their phones so they really didn't know what was happening with the others.

Jerry stopped and waited because it was a red light. "Bummer, it's a red light." Papa Jerry said. When Papa Jerry stopped, Lauren's head landed on Camila's shoulder. Camila felt something heavy on her shoulder so she looked at the spot where it was and she found the green eyed girl sleeping peacefully on her shoulder. "Uhmm..." Camila blushed and tried to signal Dinah for help, but Dinah was busy laughing with Normani at the back.

Ally tried to look back to check if everyone was okay and laughed when she saw Lauren sleeping on the shoulder of Camila. "You alright Mila?" Ally said with a giggle. "I'm okay." Camila blushed and looked at Lauren, "I guess she's just really tired." Camila looked at Lauren and told Ally. "You guys are cute." Ally smiled and went back because her father was calling her.

"We're here girls." Papa Jerry parked their car and said. Ally left the car and opened the door for Camila signing her to go. "You need help Mila?" Ally looked at Lauren and Camila. "Yeah..can you wake her up? I'm too shy." Camila blushed awkwardly. Ally nodded and woke Lauren up. Lauren yawned and saw where her head was the whole time. She blushed and stuttered, "H- how did I get here?" Lauren pointed at Camila's shoulder.

"My dad was kinda rough at driving and he stopped because there was a red light, then you  landed on Camila's shoulder, the end." Ally laughed. "Oh okay, sorry if I slept on your shoulder Camz." Lauren apologized. "It's alright." Camila giggled. They all soon left the car and went to the burger place.

Camila, Lauren and Dinah sat beside eachother at the dining table, while Normani, Ally and Papa Jerry were sitting together. "So what do you girls wanna eat?" Papa Jerry gave them each a menu list and asked. "I'll just go get the top burger with extra tomatoes." Lauren yawned. "I want the grilled cheese burger one." Dinah said. "Me too." Camila interrupted. "I thought y'all wanted pizzas?" Ally laughed. "It's fine burgers are way better than pizzas anyway."

"Mani and I will both get the normal one with fries." Ally said. "Alright my treat for you pretty ladies." Papa Jerry smiled and called the waiter for their order."Thank You Papa J!" Dinah gave Papa Jerry the peace sign. While Papa Jerry was telling the waiter for their order while the girls were talking. "So, what's up with the "Camz" Lauren?" Ally smirked. Dinah was busy with her phone but when she heard Ally talking about Lauren and Camila, she turned off her phone and listened. "'Camz?' Hmm.. I wonder who's calling Camila 'Camz'". Dinah was sarcasmed.

"You guys can call her anything you want but I can only call Camila 'Camz'. You can call her Mila, mija or whatever but 'Camz' is taken by me." Lauren said protectively. "It doesn't fit me calling her Mila." Lauren pouted.

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