Chapter 17

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Not Yet

They spent the whole night holding eachother's hands while they watched the concert together.

Ed finished singing his last song called Thinking Out Loud, and officially ended the night with a wave.

"Wait! We have to take a picture!" Ally took out her phone and reached out her arms to make them fit in the screen.

"1...2...3!" Ally pictured while she grinned.

"Oooo! Take a picture of Lauren, Camila and I." Dinah stood beside The green eyed girl and the small girl. "Smile!" Dinah nudged Lauren to make her stand closer to Camila.

"A couple." Ally showed the picture. Camila smiled sheepishly and shrugged.


They all walked towards the exit and tried to get a taxi.

"You guy's official or nah?" Ally smirked while she crossed her arms looking at them.

"Not yet." Lauren smiled at the small girl fondly. "You better be or else you'll dissapoint your captain." Dinah pouted her lips.

"Oh Dinah." Lauren nudged the polynesian as she walks towards a food truck. Dinah ran towards Lauren to buy her a taco. "Please. Please. Please." Dinah begged and begged while her stomach growls in hunger.

"Camz, what do you want?" Lauren ignored The polynesian and asked Camila instead. "Anything you want Laur." Camila said shyly.

"Oh okay." Lauren shrugged and handed her money to the counter. "3 churros and 1 taco please." Lauren ordered.

"You're so whipped." Ally laughed loudly.

"What? No I- I'm not.." Lauren blushed. "You literally would do anything for Camila, Lauren." Normani pointed Camila with a smirky look on her face.

Lauren glanced at the small girl and looked back to manage her blush away. "I told you they were real." Dinah winked as she took a bite on her taco.

They all soon grabbed a taxi and went home.


"I'll see you guys on Monday!" Lauren dropped off Ally to her house and left.

Four of them head to Normani's house as they were about to drop her off. Normani got out of the car and left with a wave.

They were now heading to Camila and Dinah's house.

"I'll give ya'll some privacy. Bah felicah." Dinah left the taxi and now only Camila and Lauren was left.

"Thank You so much for today Lauren." Camila gave the green eyed girl a huge hug. "Will this change our relationship? Now that we both know we like eachother now?" Camila tilted her head. "Will you still be with me even though it's weird that we both like eachother?"

"Of course I'll always be with you. That wouldn't change our friendship Camz." Lauren held the small girl's hand.

"I gotta go. My curfew is in 5 minutes. I- I gotta go now." Camila opened the car door as she was about to leave but she stopped when she felt a hand holding hers.

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