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"What is your name Earthling?"

"I go by many names Your Majesty, but you may call me Migisi."

To be honest, America didn't know what she was going to be doing when she arrived to the ballroom, but the dance just came to her. It was a dance her mother taught her before the European colonization began, and America always practiced it to calm herself whenever she was stressed.

She never expected the people around her to look at her the way they did. They never took their eyes off her, even when she was escorted out of the ballroom, and they clearly thought she was some kind of mythical creature, which she wasn't even close to being.

That was how she met the Spirit Kings of the Sun and Moon, Cyrus and Iamar, who both seemed to recognize her as Kwanita's daughter. She supposed it was because of her appearance or the fact that she looked like a strange Native American.

Well, it was still nice to know that her mother had friends among the spirits, especially the less worshiped ones.


She was still in the castle, now awaiting what the king was to do with her. It was a day after the talent show, and America knew their kinds of rewards were unlike that of Earth, and hoped it wasn't going to be something she'll regret doing. Unlike Kwanita, America was still learning the ways of all the spirits.

She was now dressed in a bright red gown that spread out around her like a peacock's feathers, either it be at the upper part of the dress or the bottom. Her eyes were donned with a warm red and sparkling substance that was warm to the skin. When the woman, whose name America learned was Eos, looked at her handiwork, even she appeared stunned.

"It brings out your eyes Miss," she said.

Now that America saw herself in a mirror, she realized Eos was right. Her blue eyes stood out, but she guessed it was because the color of them was so out of place of all the red.

And as for her hair, the long strands were gathered into a wavy bun-like style, and she appeared more royal than she liked. America didn't complain about it though, knowing her opinion meant a lot to Eos.

Soon, another knock came at the door, and a different woman, whose burning hair was red and orange in color, came in. "Come along Miss, the king expects you."

Nodding, America followed her. The woman lead her to a dining room that would probably make King George III jealous, and America had to hold back a scowl. She never liked the man, no matter how well England spoke of him, because whenever England wasn't looking, the man would eye America with contempt and control, and every time America had to struggle to keep up her mask.

Even now England doesn't believe her when she tried to tell him. It got so bad that now America never tells him anything, and sadly she knew it would get worse from there.

The two kings, Cyrus and Iamar, sat at the head of the table. Cooks and servants were in the process of bringing food from the kitchen, but the two kings didn't take their eyes from America as she took her seat at the other end of the table. Uncomfortable, America looked anywhere but the men opposite her. Eventually, food was placed before her, food that appeared similar to Earth's food, but it had a different scent. It proved to be a welcome distraction.

"You're Kwanita's daughter, are you not?" Cyrus asked, snapping America's attention to them.

"Yes," America answered, unsure of how else to proceed. "Your Majesty."

Cyrus nodded. "You look so much like her, and you speak our language, something only she was able to do. Wonderful woman too, I always enjoy her company. Mind I ask how she is doing?"

America, In My Dreams (United States of America #2.5)Where stories live. Discover now