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Sorry for the late update. I really had a hard time deciding where to proceed with this and I had just finished college classes two days ago. Anyway, just bare with me here.

"So you are Winter, Spirit Queen of Winter, correct?" America asked while Wyoming was in the kitchen making something for the five of them and preparing Astrid and Buddy's dinners too.

"I am," replied Winter with a smile. "And you are the lover of the Spirit Kings of the Sun and Moon."

"That I am," America admitted, trying not to blush. "I have been for centuries now."

Winter smiled. "It makes it wonder how you're able to put up with them, in fact I'm surprised that Blake is able to keep up with me."

America smirked. "In that way?"

Winter's cheeks blossomed the color of blueberries. "N-No, I meant whenever I wake up."

"Ah." That made sense. Whenever summer takes hold, the winter spirits will have to go into hibernation until the first snowfall next year. It made America wonder too how Blake and Winter were able to work it out when that happened, but then again her son wasn't the kind of man who lost his patience too quickly (unless you push the wrong buttons).

"He never really shows that he missed me, but I'm always able to tell through his actions," Winter continued, her expression somber. "It's always painful to go to sleep when the first touch of spring touches this land, and know that someone I love will be waiting for months for me to reawaken. I kind of envy you America."

"For what?"

"Your lovers are able to visit you whenever they can, and you don't have to wait for them for months."

"That's not necessarily true," America admitted. "More often than not Cyrus and Iamar are only able to visit me on certain days and stay for certain amounts of time. For one, if there was a supermoon, Iamar would stay with me all day and night, while on a solar eclipse both Cyrus and Iamar will come to Earth and stay with me until the eclipse is over."

"Oh. I'm sorry that I immediately jumped to conclusions," Winter replied.

"Don't be. It is hard when one is in love with a spirit after all, especially the Kings or Queens."

"It is," Winter nodded, before she turned to the door, an alarmed look on her face.

"What is it?"

Winter opened her mouth to reply before something did that for her. Outside, Astrid and Buddy were barking like rabid dogs, and they were running towards the barn house, still barking. Even from here America could see their fur sticking up.

"What the--Astrid, Buddy!" America called as she moved to rush outside with Wyoming suddenly beside her. Once there, they found the dogs tearing at someone's pant leg beside the barn house walls, succeeding in dragging him away from it.

"Astrid, Buddy, bring him!" Wyoming ordered, his tone ice cold when he and his mother saw who the person was.

America on the other hand was so tempted to go bury herself alive at this point. She recognized that shaggy blonde hair, thick eyebrows, and emerald green eyes, as well as his British cursing.

Finally the dogs dropped him off at America's feet, but kept a close distance in case he were to do something against their masters. The man cursed in pain and fear before looking up into the ice cold eyes of America and Wyoming.

"You have a lot of fucking explaining to do, Mr. Kirkland," America told him, her tone just as icy as her expression.

He cursed again.

America, In My Dreams (United States of America #2.5)Where stories live. Discover now