Cyrus and Migisi

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I'm sorry I wasn't updating. I really didn't know what I wanted to write down next here. But I'm back!

Cyrus took America to the Sun Realm again so they could have time to themselves for the time being. Thankfully for America time went pretty slowly here, which would allow her to return to the meeting on time, and it would also give her time to calm down before she could head back, though she was hoping that this was going to last for the rest of the day.

Just the fact that every single nation forgot how punctual Americans were and that it was considered extremely rude to arrive later than the scheduled time was extremely annoying. Now, if she had been her male self, she wouldn't have cared, but America had been found out, so there was no reason to hide anymore, especially the way she viewed the other nations.

Now she could only hope that they followed her orders to the teeth, otherwise they can kiss their freedom to be in her country goodbye.

Now, in the Sun Realm, America was dressed in a heated bright orange silk dress that trailed, was embroidered with real gold, was a little see-through, showing off her bra and kakis, and no one seemed to care; and there was a matching a long bonnet on her head, complete with a forehead piece made from gold, rubies, and amethysts.

Oh, and she was barefoot this time, with an anklet made with, once more, gold.

Now, America and Cyrus, who was dressed in an armor-suit that changed color depending on how the light hit it, were having lunch together. Servants brought out what appeared to be ham, black breadsticks, a side of butter, and a salad for each of them. For drinks, the couple were served glasses of white wine.

America and Cyrus thanked the servants before they got started on their meals. America took note that the black breadsticks tasted like the ones she had from Earth, though the butter was a little more intense the the taste, which she had learned the hard way in the past.

The ham tasted spicy and juicy, exactly like a piece of steak, and America had to prevent a moan from escaping her, for it was cooked just how she liked it; medium-well, just like the steak she eats.

The salad was spicy and yet satisfying, and America knew this kind of vegetables and plants would be a dream come true to those who were trying to eat better or were trying to eat salads without a lot of ranch or dressing to cover the bland taste. Though, even now, America had not found a way to make it back on Earth.

Now, almost like the wine she had tasted on her first public dinner with Cyrus and Iamar, the white drink was very sweet, except there was some kind of fruity taste to it, the combination of strawberry kiwi and watermelon. Once more, America thought France would die of a heart attack if he heard of this or tasted the drink himself.

America and Cyrus ate in silence for a few moments, before America had enough and looked worriedly at the Spirit King. "What's wrong Cyrus?"

If Cyrus was surprised that she caught him, he didn't show it. "It's nothing Migisi, really."

The way he saw America narrow her eyes in doubt made him sigh and relent.

"That boy, Matthew Williams if I dare to remember correctly, seems to now be able to see me and Iamar when we come visit you."

America choked on the piece of steak-like ham she had in her mouth. Once she was sure she was well enough to speak, she looked at Cyrus with wide eyes. "Are you sure?"

"I would never lie to you about this Migisi," Cyrus replied, looking offended that America would doubt him like this. "And I'm afraid that I am sure. Once, when Iamar came to your home, he spotted the boy staring right at him. You and I both know that Iamar is not the kind of man to tell jokes about these kinds of situations."

"I know Cyrus. I know the both of you very well, just as well as you know me," America reminded, trying not to blush, not that Cyrus was paying much attention to that at the moment.

"I know, and, just today, I saw Williams staring right at me with the same expression Iamar described: confusion, anger, and, most of all, jealousy.

The last two emotions confused America. "Anger and jealousy?"

Cyrus clenched his hand around his fork, and America wouldn't be surprised if the force left a dent in the utensil. "I recognized that look anywhere Migisi, and I must say that I am not exactly pleased to see it on someone like Williams."

The Sun Spirit King paused for a moment, like he was trying to choose his words wisely. America immediately knew she wasn't going to like what Cyrus had to say next, especially when he turned and looked at her with eyes to spoke volumes.

"It would seem that Williams is in love with you."

"Me?" America didn't register the fact that she had dropped her fork, which clanged loudly against her nearly empty plate. Then, she snapped herself out of her stupor. "How can that be?"

"My guess is as good as yours Migisi, and, if the man who was once Honan has finally awakened Kwanita's abilities to see us, then this spells trouble."

Now America wished she hadn't eaten anything. "W-What are you saying Cyrus?"

Cyrus pursed his lips. "I'm saying Migisi that this may lead to a conflict between Iamar, this boy, and I over you. Also, as Iamar is going to be visiting you tonight, he may follow you into your forest and report back to the other men who have ridiculed you and now suddenly have these feelings for you."

"This can'" America felt sick to her stomach. Canada had finally awakened their mother's power after all these years? Why didn't she sense this? She knew that Mexico's powers were now finally awakening, but she didn't sense Canada.

Oh great Mother Gaia, was he able to disguise himself well from her?

Stupid, stupid woman!

"So what do we do?" she asked in a hoarse whisper.

"I don't know Migisi, but I believe the only thing we can do is try to keep him at bay for a while longer. But I can't promise that things won't end poorly for either of us. And believe me Migisi." Cyrus stood up and walked over to America, where he knelt before her like a knight to his queen. "I promise you that nothing will tear us apart."

He looked up at her, his burning eyes shining brightly as he smiled warmly up at her. "Iamar and I will always love you until the end of time itself, and even then we will continue to love you. You haven't forgotten, have you?"

The sickness disappeared, and the only thing that it left behind was a feeling of complete and utter bliss. America stared at Cyrus, her eyes burning with unshed tears. She then stood up and walked over to him, her bare feet making noise as she went. She knelt in front of him and rested her jewel-encrusted forehead against his.

"I will never forget. Honestly, what did I do to deserve the both of you?"

Cyrus just smiled at her. "You tell me." Then, before America could react, Cyrus placed his lips on hers, and she was swept up into a fiery heaven that warmed her to her very soul.

America, In My Dreams (United States of America #2.5)Where stories live. Discover now