Make Me Bleed

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**WARNING! Sexual content ahead!**

Hours later, America was now sitting at home, resting her eyes. It was clear that the nations had listened to her warning very carefully, because they had been deathly silent throughout the rest of the meeting.

But she was still worried.

Knowing how they were, the nations wouldn't give up. Now the thought of killing them so they would no longer be a problem was so tempting, but America pushed it back, knowing going through with that thought would only result in much more problems for her.

Then she felt something touch her hand, something warm to the touch and silky smooth. America didn't fight back when she felt the texture of that hand, for she knew it well.

"Come," the very familiar masculine and passionate voice ordered, and America felt herself being tugged off the chair she was sitting on and lead to the door.

"At least let me get dressed first," she retorted playfully. She would need to dress in her Native American attire before she steps into the forest.

"You don't need it right now," the voice replied. "Now come."

America giggled a bit as Cyrus led her out of her house and towards the forest, and she finally opened her eyes. She stared at the Spirit King's back and flowing fiery hair as he led her through the forest, finally stopping at the lake.

She was a bit stunned to find that Iamar was there too, patiently waiting for them.

America looked up at the sky. Of course she didn't see a solar eclipse.

She chuckled again as she glanced at the two Spirit Kings. "You two never fail to surprise me."

"That's our job you know," Cyrus replied with a mock pout, and America gently flicked him in the forehead.

"Oh don't be a baby Cyrus," she teased. "Now, shall we?"

Both men smirked. "But of course my lady."


Any thoughts and worries about the nations faded away as America danced with both men on the lake. Now, the imaginary full moon above changed colors depending on who she danced with, with it turning yellow when she danced with Cyrus, and back to a light blue when she was with Iamar.

Though, now that she wasn't wearing her Native American attire, her legs now had free reign to go wherever they wished without the restrictions of the dress. Still, she loved that attire and would never give it up for anything.

Now, America had been expecting for them to just dance until they couldn't anymore, but she hadn't been expecting both men to do what they were about to do next.

They encased her between their bodies, and America was aware that her cheeks were on fire at this point. She stared up at them in confusion, wondering what they were up to now.

Cyrus pulled her short hair back, quite hard in fact, because America was unable to stop herself from making her head follow her hair. She could now only stare down at Iamar as he smirked at her for a moment before he attacked her neck.

America let out a gasp, and she didn't stop it, or the fact that her cheeks were probably going to literally catch on fire in a minute. Iamar and Cyrus seemed to sense this, because America felt the former smirking against her skin, while Cyrus leaned down and pulled a little harder on her hair, forcing her to look into his seductive and smirking face.

"I hope y-you're not...planning on killing suffocation!" Mother Gaia why was it so hard to even speak?

The men's smirks somehow got bigger. "I don't know," Cyrus answered for them both. "You tell us."

They then led America off of the lake and even deeper into the forest. As she knew this place by heart, America was able to avoid the various twigs, plants, and bugs that were likely to be on the ground, even though she had to work extra hard to stay focused. By now Iamar had removed himself from her neck, which was red and swollen, but both he and Cyrus were so close to her that America knew they would be able to feel the heat radiating from her body.

When did it get so fucking hot anyway?

Finally, the men lead her to an area of the forest where the only things around were the large and thick trees. In fact, this was one of the only places in the forest where there was an open space. It was pretty tiny, this one, and it would be big enough to fit about three people.

"W-What are you...doing now?" America asked, feeling lots of anticipation and even a little fear mixed in.

Both men smiled at her. "You'll see."

Then the both of them threw her into the middle of the clearing, where she could easily look up at the multicolored night sky and the large blue moon.

Then the men were on her, now somehow wearing their respective royal robes. Cyrus was bright red in color and trimmed with what looked like real gold, and Iamar's was dark blue and trimmed with real silver.

Seeing their bare chests, with Iamar's entire form sparkling in the moonlight, America smirked. "Again?"

The men shared her expression. "Again," they agreed.

"Well, hurry up and get to it before you drive all of us insane," America urged, though she knew she was driving herself crazy at this moment. And what these two men were going to do to her next was surely going to top that.

After all, they had only done this twice and even still they drive her crazy.

Cyrus and Iamar grinned at her in a very feral way, and that was when they became a tangled mass of bodies and clothing.

The first time they had intercourse, America had been a nervous wreck. Despite what the rest of the world thinks, she wasn't a virgin, nor was she naive to the ways of sex. It was required when you're a nation, otherwise you would be taken advantage of.

America had learned that the hard way when someone had tried to rape Connecticut.

Her anger at that memory must've been present on her face, because Cyrus forced himself into her, causing America to cry out in surprise and slight pain.

"Don't you dare think about bad memories now," the Spirit King ordered the panting woman under him. "That doesn't make it fair between us."

It took a lot of effort on her part, but she nodded before allowing the pleasure to sink in.

Now truly wasn't the time for bad memories to sink in.

I'm really too tired to go any further, but I may or may not attempt to write a lemon chapter, and I may not since writing lemons is very draining for me, so, no promises.

America, In My Dreams (United States of America #2.5)Where stories live. Discover now