They're Trying to Kill Me!

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The stars in the Moon Realm were shining very brightly tonight, and for a moment America felt a little jealous that she didn't live here. Here no one blamed her for things she wasn't at fault for or treated her like she was worth less than dirt. The thought made her sigh in disgust.

America hated the nations so much that she knew it was only a matter of time before she began to stop caring altogether. After all, you could only hate someone so much until you can no longer bring yourself to give a fuck, and America knew this well.

And she also didn't fight it. It was about time that she stopped caring about the people who loved to hate her for no good reason, and here they thought her mask self was immature.

America had never met anyone so pathetic in her entire existence.

As soon as Cyrus and Iamar found her, America agreed to accompany them back to the Moon Realm so they could talk. Right now she was wearing a long light gray dress that whenever she moved would leave behind a trail of moon dust. Her arms and feet were also covered in silver moon dust powder, which stuck to her legs like second skin, while her hair was done in curls and her bangs carried a beautiful but light decoration: a pendant depicting a moon rising, resting gently on her forehead.

By now, America was walking to the edge of the capital city, where a barren land awaited. From there she watched as the universe continued on like nothing was wrong. She wondered why Cyrus and Iamar wanted to meet her here, but supposed they both needed to be outside like her.

It wasn't long before they arrived, grim looks on their faces.

America said nothing at first when they approached her, the two Kings silent themselves. They joined her at star-gazing the universe, seemingly to avoid looking at the other, until America finally spoke up.

"What do you want to know?"

Both men looked at her, but she kept staring ahead, refusing to meet their eyes. Eventually, after many minutes of this silence, Cyrus spoke up. "Where were you Migisi?"

America didn't understand for a moment, but the knowledge quickly came to her shortly thereafter. "I don't know," she answered. "Truly, I don't. All I remember is that I was in so much pain, and I was being ripped in half from the inside out, until eventually I became two different people. When that happened, all I could see was the color black. However, I still knew what was happening, but can I explain it? I can't, for there are no words to describe what was happening.

"Of course, I know I must apologize, for scaring the both of you. You, after all, told me yourself that life as a nation is nothing beautiful. I know that I get to watch my country evolve into something better and more beautiful, but other than that life as a nation is cruel and unfair. I understand that now, thanks to you." At the last part, America smiled sadly at the two Spirit Kings.

Cyrus and Iamar, on the other hand, looked stricken, and at this America looked at them, confused. She noticed that they were very close to her now, so much so that she automatically blushed. Then, before she could understand what was happening, the two men were holding a hand of hers.

America looked at the both of them, unsure of what to do. She knew she was a very intelligent woman, but if there was one thing she was bad at, it was romantic relationships, because what the hell were you supposed to do in a situation like this, especially when the two men you have eyes for are Spirit Kings?!

"U-Um..." America spluttered.

"I'm sorry Migisi," Iamar whispered into her ear. "We're sorry for doing this."

"Doing what?"

Neither man responded, but then, before America knew what was happening, the two men placed kisses in her hair and even on her face. Then, when she started blushing an even deeper red, Cyrus and Iamar were gone.

Were those two really trying to kill her?!

America, In My Dreams (United States of America #2.5)Where stories live. Discover now