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"He did what?" was the first thing Cyrus asked after America informed him and Iamar of what just happened, and to say that the both of them were displeased would be the understatement of the year.

"It's exactly as I said," America began, "which means that we can't stay here any longer. Now that they know of your existence, this causes problems for all of us if we stay here for another day."

"So what do you suggest?" Iamar asked.

"That my children and I are allowed to reside in the respective realms of the spirits for a while."

The Spirit Kings looked at each other, something going between them before they returned their attention to America, Wyoming, and even Winter. "You should know you're more than welcome in our realm anytime Migisi. This time shouldn't be any different."

America nodded.

"And what do you think Queen Winter?" Iamar asked.

"The same goes for me. I too was never quite fond of the nations. It wouldn't surprise me if Mother Gaia is thinking of a way to get rid of them at this moment. No offense Princess Migisi."

"None taken," America said with an indifferent wave of her hand. "I'm going to call your siblings now Blake, so be sure that England isn't having it easy in the barn house, and that means that you're more than welcome to do whatever you wish to him in the meantime."

"Of course Mother," Wyoming nodded, his icy eyes flashing sadistically before he took Astrid and Buddy outside to the barn house. Seconds later, screams of pure agony were heard, and America just calmly listened to it as she walked over to the phone.

This was going to be a long two hours. After that, they need to grab whatever they needed and get the hell out of dodge for the time being.


Understandably, none of America's children were quite pleased when they heard what most of the other nations attempted to do in the form of England, so they agreed to ask their lovers if they could stay with them for the time being, though first they had to talk with their bosses. Afterwards, America and Wyoming (who had just come in) called their own bosses and explained the situation.

And even they weren't happy to hear what the other nations did, and let's just say that they were going to personally have a chat with them.

America almost pitied the poor fools. Almost.

But now as they packed whatever they had, Wyoming walked over to his mother. "Are you sure that leaving England here is a good idea?" Oh, and just so you know, Wyoming was bringing not only his dogs, but also his horses (which wasn't very much) so they wouldn't be left alone.

America looked towards the now empty barn house. "I'm sure. Knowing how he is now that he knows of the real me, he will report this to the others after he's recovered, and that will only cause great confusion among them."

Wyoming thought about this for a moment. "Oh, I see." He smiled. "You going to lead them on a wild goose chase where they'll never catch us. Sometimes I wonder where you got that mind of yours Mother."

"When I was still a small child Blake, now run along now. The sooner we all get out of here, the better off we'll be."

Wyoming didn't need to be told again. With Astrid and Buddy in tow, he walked towards Winter, who took his hand and then flashed out of existence, her lover, his dogs, and his belongings following her.

America then turned to Cyrus and Iamar. "Are you ready?" she asked.

Both men nodded. "Of course." They then took her hand and before America knew it, they were back at Cyrus' castle, alone, and dressed as Princess Migisi.

"Now, let's go."

America, In My Dreams (United States of America #2.5)Where stories live. Discover now