Icy Moon

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Iamar stared evenly but coldly at the boy before him. This was the boy who was supposed to be his love's second older brother, who would love, support, and protect her, but instead, he ridiculed, mistreated, and hurt her. Now, Iamar may not have any siblings of his own, but that didn't mean he didn't know how siblings were supposed to function around each other.

"Hello Matthew Williams, or should I say Prince Honan of the North?"

The Canadian representative snarled at Iamar, but the latter stared back, unaffected.

It was night time, and a crescent moon was out tonight, and, like Cyrus had told America earlier today, Iamar was going to visit her tonight, until he spotted the boy nearby, staring right at him, and, now, here they were.

"Who are you?" the boy asked hotly, and for a moment Iamar thought he would make a good Sun Spirit, had it not been for his hidden personality.

Iamar narrowed his eyes at him. "You know the answer to that question Matthew Williams. After all, you see what I represent."

"I meant your name," the boy spat, and Iamar had to resist the urge to glare back at the foolish mortal. Sure, he was more than human, but he was still mortal.

"My name is not for those who would abuse it," Iamar replied, as he turned. "Now, don't think that I don't know why you're here boy. Hasn't Migisi warned you to not come near her home again?"

He didn't turn around, but he heard the boy clench his teeth in anger.

Iamar sighed. "I'll take that you don't know how to take warnings to heart, more especially when they come from your sister, or your ex-sister I must say."

"What are you going on about?" the boy asked. "America will always be my sister."

"Oh?" Iamar was bitterly amused when he turned to face the boy. "And you think that Migisi thinks the same of you? If I remember correctly, you threw that right away when you almost burned her capital to the ground, scarring two of her own sons."

Canada growled, but he flinched at the mentioning of the War of 1812.

"Also, from what I have witnessed of your relationship after that, you sat back and watched as Migisi and her children struggled to continue existing, especially during her Civil war. I don't want to remind you of how horrified and helpless her children felt when they were unable to take away some of their mother's pain during that time."

By now, the boy was losing his fire.

"Also, Cyrus and I have witnessed throughout the years that you favored the other nations, saying you never had time for your "brother", and whenever she tried to ask you for advice, like any sibling should, you just turned her away, saying you never "had time for her", when in reality you just never wanted to deal with her or get to know her."

"T-That's not true!" Canada denied, his eyes shining.

Iamar raised a trimmed eyebrow. "Oh it's not, is it? And how do you know that?"

"Because I-I..." But the boy trailed off, unable to defend himself. Iamar almost bitterly laughed at the sight.

"You see? You are clearly unable to back up your claims." Iamar turned away again. "However, it's not only that that angers me so boy. It's what you now feel for Migisi."

Iamar heard the boy's sharp intake of breath. "Y-You can't possibly know that!"

"I am not a Spirit King for nothing boy. I know that ever since you found out of Migisi's true gender and personality, and the fact that she's the mother of your daughter Melody, you've suddenly wanted to get closer to her. I know you're in love with her, and that is what disgusts me so.

"You have hated your own sister for years, and now, suddenly, you love her? I already knew you were pathetic when I heard you harmed your own sister and nephews, but this is over the top." Iamar began to walk away, his dark blue cape and silver armor shining in the visible moonlight. "You should know that Migisi will never love you, especially not after what you've done to her and her children. The same goes for the men who also wish to win Migisi's heart.

"Oh, and one more thing." One more time, Iamar turned to the boy. "The states are not going to allow you to enter a relationship with their mother, and your own daughter is not exactly fond of you, Matthew Williams. She's waiting for you to slip up so she can finally take her own form of justice on you. Also, I know that you're going to report this to the other men, if they don't think you're crazy first, and no matter what you do, Migisi would sooner watch you fall to your death than allow you into her life again."

Iamar left at that point, leaving the boy to mellow in his redundant grief.


"Are you alright Iamar?" Migisi asked, watching him with concern when he came to her with an angered look on his face.

Upon hearing her voice, Iamar immediately composed himself. "I'm alright now Migisi, I just ran into some trouble."

Migisi narrowed her eyes. "My "brother"?"

Iamar nodded grimly. "Precisely."

Migisi sighed, running a hand through her long locks of hair. "I fear that he will never learn, will be?"

"Unfortunately not," Iamar agreed as he took Migisi's hand and led her to the forest once more. "And I'm afraid that they're not going to stop until we do something about this."

"Oh, my children will not like this at all," Migisi noted, biting her lip.

"I'm afraid so. Now, come, let's forget what happened for now."

Migisi agreed wholeheartedly.

America, In My Dreams (United States of America #2.5)Where stories live. Discover now