Their Queen

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The ballroom was just as America remembered it, with its golden walls, ceiling, and floors, viewing booths which were empty now, the chandeliers that burned with real sun fire, and the majestic throne had the end of the room. There was also the people, dressed in the very beautiful finery that also appeared made from flames, hydrogen, helium, and even carbon. The hairstyles and makeup of some of the women also increased their beauty.

But for America, she went with the simplest dress and hairstyle she could find.

She was wearing a black strapless dress that had a wide skirt that appeared to be glowing hot, as a couple embers flew from it whenever America moved. Her hair was once more done up in a elegant bun, except now it was adjourned with carbon crystals which also created a necklace around her neck. They also changed color based on the wearer's emotions, and right now they were bright red in contrast to America's sense of excitement.

She was being led into the throne room by Eos, who bowed to her in the doorway before leaving to find her station somewhere with the other servants. Smiling in thanks, America proceeded to look around the room for Cyrus and Iamar.

Fortunately she didn't need to look for long, for the two Spirit Kings were in the middle of the throne room, chatting with a few other Sun Spirits. Seeing her, the Sun Spirits smiled, bowed, and moved a respectful distance away. Cyrus and Iamar were smiling at her, and immediately all of America's worries faded away.

They approached her, their armor glinting from the chandelier fires above, their fiery and midnight black hair shining beautifully, and their strides so powerful, confident, and breathtaking that America knew that many women (and perhaps even some men) would be swept off their feet immediately.

But they only had eyes for one woman, which made America feel blessed to have these men in her life.

Then they held out their hands. "Shall we, my lady?" they asked.

America smiled and took their hands. "Of course, good sirs."

They then led her to the middle of the room, which had been cleared by the Sun Spirits so they would have enough room to dance. Smiling, the two Kings let go of America's hands and backed away, waiting for her. 

She didn't hesitate their silent command.

With the grace of flowing water, the confidence of a fox, and the power of an eagle, America started to dance before her kings and his subjects, her amber hair flying about her like a halo and her sky blue eyes shining with a calmness that nearly concealed her inner happiness. Embers were flying around her, which, unknown to her, was making her look like a goddess of dusk.

Then two hands took hers and proceeded to match her in grace, confidence, and power, and America then moved to dance with the two men, allowing them to pull her into them momentarily before they sent her spinning or elegantly through the air.

Eyes closed, America imagined that she was fading away into rose petals or disappearing into light, for she felt so weightless it was hard to not find serenity with it. And when she was in either Cyrus' or Iamar's arms, she felt like she could melt and enjoy every second of it. It was always a feeling she got whenever they danced or performed moves.

Her face heated at that, and it didn't go unnoticed by the kings dancing with her.

They brought her to their eye level. "Keep that up, and we won't be able to control ourselves," Cyrus warned seductively. His eyes even flashed as he said those words.

America blushed again, but tried to get herself together. The last thing she wanted was for Cyrus and Iamar to suddenly take her out of the throne room and into Cyrus' bedroom.


America gracefully leaped out of their arms, and continued to dance, her eyes on them and smiling. She knew her smile was saying, "Come and get me big boys", but that was what she wanted them to see.

She wanted to drive them crazy for the rest of the night until it was time.

Surprisingly it wasn't very long, and now America was quick to head out the door before Cyrus and Iamar could make a move on her and head towards Cyrus' bedroom. Once she was there, she put herself into a position that would arouse the two men more, just as it had in the past.

Then the door opened, revealing the very men she had been waiting for. And oh man, how America wished she had a camera on her. The men's eyes were so wide they looked like bugs, and they were shaking in a desperate attempt to keep a reign on their waning self-control.

Until America said, "Come on big boys. Show me what you've got."

In the end, they couldn't resist their queen's wishes.

America, In My Dreams (United States of America #2.5)Where stories live. Discover now