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When America came out of her thoughts again, she realized that Maryland had left her alone, leaving behind a trail of flowers in her wake. The younger girl must've realized what her mother was thinking about, because she left her alone.

And now America knew she had to return to the house so she could get ready for the next meeting, and she'd had more than enough time to have time to herself. Getting up, America began to head back home, praying that tomorrow would be better, but then slapped herself.

When those nations are concerned, all they were good at doing was wasting her time.

Though she stopped caring about their well-being and what they thought of her altogether, that didn't mean that they didn't test her patience.

Once, America overheard China and even Russia talking about America's new development, unknowing of the subject of their conversation listening. Now, America was just going to leave them at that, but their conversation was interesting to say the least.

"So you're too prideful to ask for forgiveness," Russia began, sounding amused, but even America could hear the suspicion in his voice. "I don't see how this is any of my concern China."

"I didn't say it was any of your concern Russia aru," China snapped, before composing himself. "And if I recall, you were the one who decided to listen to me."

Russia didn't comment on this.

"But you're trying to tell me something else, da?" Russia now asked, his amusement long gone at this point.

China said nothing.

"Amerika has fooled me too China, more so than I'd like to admit, but I think even you know that it's too late for the both of us. We are paying for our foolishness, and quite dearly if I might add."

"And you know what that means, right, aru?" America narrowed her eyes for a moment. "This means that America would not care if either of us fell from grace or ceased to exist altogether. In fact, I think she would jump for joy, or, more likely, silently celebrate if that happened."

Silence reigned for a few moments. "You are sad, da?" Russia asked blankly.

America didn't stay to hear China's reply, because she realized that she was wasting time and left, uncaring of what she just heard.

Now, if she still hated the nations who belittled her, she would've felt so angry that she would be asking herself how they could have these thoughts after so long, especially since they've never cared about her or what she thought.

Well, hopefully tomorrow would be simple and quick.



When America walked to the meeting room the next morning, she was a little surprised that the room was empty, but didn't think much of it at first as she worked to get her own presentation brought up. Once more, the topic of the meeting today was to talk about the colonization of the moon, a very complicated topic for America, no matter how interesting it was.

Then several minutes passed, and no one showed up. America gritted her teeth, feeling annoyance coming on. It seemed even the nations themselves forgot how punctual Americans were.

Therefore, when England and France arrived, they froze when they saw America glaring hard at them.

"You're late," she commented, looking at the clock before looking back to the two nations. "I hope you haven't forgotten the way my culture worked."

Neither man spoke, and America sighed in annoyance.

"Well, since you all seemed to have forgotten, neither of you are allowed to make comments or suggestions throughout my presentation. Am I clear?"

Both men nodded hurriedly.

"Now hurry up and sit down. We're already far behind as it is."

As the nations hurried to their seats, the others decided that now would be a good time to enter, only to find America beginning her presentation.

The presentation of course was about how they were going to safety make the moon a habitable place for humans, and as America was getting started, China thought that would be a good idea to interrupt her.

"America, we weren't here yet aru!"

America glared at him, causing him to flinch back. "And you seem to have forgotten that you are in my country, and as long as you are in my home, you will follow my rules, whether you liked them or not. Now, as all of you are late, none of you are allowed to make any comments or suggestions today."

This, of course, caused an uproar, until America pulled out her hidden revolver and aimed it at the nearest nation, who happened to be Romano.

"I'm not here to listen to you complain like little children, and if you have a problem with that, make sure that the door doesn't hit you on the way out. Now, if that is all, sit down and shut up like good dogs."

Wisely, the nations sat down and made no sound when America began to present, like the potential risks of terraforming, how people could find a way to create a vehicle that moves faster than the speed of light, how they may be damaging to the human body, and how exposure to a certain world's atmosphere could negatively impact the body. Thankfully, the presentation went through the whole of the first half of the meeting, and not once did anyone say a word.

"That is all. Everyone is dismissed for a sixty minute lunch break, and I expect all of you to be on time. Not thirty, ten, five, or even a minute later. I expect you to be on time, and if you're unable to do something as simple as that, make sure that you don't come back."

No one needed to be told a second time, for immediately they were running out of the door.

How annoying.

"Are you alright?" Startled, America turned around to see Cyrus standing there, invisible to anyone except her. He was glowing just like the sun outside the window, and America smiled, feeling all her stress disappear just as the sight of him, and walked over to him.

"When did you get here?" she asked by way of greeting.

Cyrus just smiled back at her. "Just as they left," he answered, nodding his head towards the still open door. "I have a feeling that they are going to follow your orders to the teeth, least they want to be kicked out of your country."

"I hope they do, for I don't wish to waste my time with people who don't waste any time to research my country's customs."

At this, Cyrus laughed. "I must say Migisi, you're ruthless. I love it."

America smirked at the Spirit King. "And I take pride in it. Now, shall we?"

America, In My Dreams (United States of America #2.5)Where stories live. Discover now