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More than once, America wished she had never been born a nation.

When you're a nation, too many cons come with it. You never age just as humans do, you can't die unless your capital is destroyed, and not to mention you have to witness the horrors of the real world on more than one occasion.

However, that wasn't all for America. As a nation, she wasn't allowed to live as a normal human being. She wanted to live like one, if only for a day.

Most people don't know that being practically immortal is more of a curse than a gift.

As usual, America headed to the meeting, scheduled at 7:00 a.m. in Texas. Of course, her son wouldn't be meeting with her because of his schedule, which she understood. Even states had their duties.

As usual, America wore a buttoned dark blue blouse, matching skirt, and black high-heels, and many people watched her walk by with awe, either because of her height or graceful walk.

Being the United States of America, America was a very tall woman, and she had the graceful walk because of what she learned before the European colonization. The thought of her mother and life before then made a spark of yearning hit her. What was it like, living for thousands of years without being observed by the entire world? Native America was a peaceful woman, except when it came to those who possessed black souls.

Kwanita was also known to hold grudges, and understandable ones too. After her eldest son, Mexico, was taken away from her when he was still a toddler, Native America never forgave Spain for doing not only that, but allowing his greedy people to inflict harm upon the Mexican native tribes. The same could be said for England, as he allowed the massacre of many native people, and he did so with a complete indifference.

That was another reason why America often refused to speak to Spain on any personal level. Also, without Spain's knowledge, Mexico always managed to visit his mother whenever he could, and he was even there to witness the birth of his younger siblings. England, on the other hand, proved to America that he was exactly what Native America feared about: a greedy, thoughtless, narrow-minded bastard.

All three of Native America's children were conceived without a father, and even today America doesn't understand it, except that Mother Earth was mostly behind it.

Once she arrived at the building where the meeting was being held, America came into a room of surprisingly silent nations.

Odd, but America didn't think too much of it as she headed to her seat. Once she was there, she slammed her briefcase into the table, causing many nations to jump. She then glared at them.

"Well?" she demanded.

No one spoke.

"Are you going to explain to me why you decided to have a meeting in my lands without my permission? Well spit it out, I don't have all day you know."

Reluctantly, Germany answered, "J-Jou know vhat ve talked about veeks ago right?"

America raised an eyebrow. "I do not remember anyone mentioning a next meeting here in America."

Germany faltered for a moment, but quickly composed himself. "Jou never stayed to hear zhat part."

America raised an eyebrow. "Then fill me in. Why exactly did you want a meeting on my lands? I'll have you know I do not have a presentation to give as I was not informed of this."

Once again, silence reigned. America felt her eyebrow twitch, and she sighed.

"What a waste of time. If you're not going to answer me I'll take my leave now. I have work I need to get to, and I don't need this distracting me."

America walked out before anyone could protest. As soon as she was out of their sight, someone pounded their head on the desk.

"Zhat went well," France commented sadly.

No one replied.

The reason they never informed America of their meeting location was because they wanted to somewhat surprise her. Although this sounds stupid, but they knew as soon as they found out America was a woman and a mother of 51 children, they were smitten. It took them all this time to realize this, and they knew who the true idiots were.

Unfortunately, America was not a kind or gentle woman when they were concerned, and they made sure of that.

Still, they wanted to start over with the superpower, but knew she wasn't going to make it easy for them. Over three-hundred years of harm can't be fixed in one day after all.

Had the been paying attention, they likely would've noticed a man with flames for hair, glowing yellow eyes, and otherworldly armor watching them. He glared at them in disgust.

"Fools," he muttered, just before he disappeared in a flash of light.

Sorry this is late.

America, In My Dreams (United States of America #2.5)Where stories live. Discover now