Reckless Spirits

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"My lord, do you even understand what you're doing?" Antiman asked sternly. He was with his master in the guest room they were given, which was designed specifically for Sun Spirits, and Cyrus was busy writing something.

The king looked up at Antiman. "Care to clarify?"

"I'm not blind Sire, and you know exactly what I'm clarifying."

Cyrus sighed in irritation. Of course the man would figure it out. "To answer you Antiman, I do know what I'm doing, and I knew from the moment she came into that ballroom."

"Are you truly going to seek a woman who's not of this world?!"

Cyrus' eyes narrowed dangerously. "Are you questioning me Antiman?"

Antiman stared back at him with equally narrow eyes. "To put it bluntly my lord, I am."

"How strange, because you never were against my friendship with Kwanita. Neither was Iamar's advisor with him," Cyrus pointed out.

"This is different King Cyrus and you know it." Now Antiman appeared ready to explode and create a solar flare. "You know that falling in love with a human is forbidden!"

"You forget Antiman. The Princess Migisi is not fully human." Cyrus was standing at this point, quickly losing patience with his adviser. "Neither was Kwanita."

"I haven't forgotten my lord, but you seem to have forgotten the rules of being a spirit," Antiman reminded.

"I'm aware, and I was aware of it the time I met Migisi. Don't take me for a fool Antiman, you should know me better than that. Also, you understand better than anyone that spirits of any kind are restless beings, myself included. You should know that despite where we are in the universe, we are not that different from humans."

Antiman remained silent.

"Besides, there will come a time when we will cease to exist, only billions of years from now. It feels like only yesterday when we were born, and it's only a matter of time before that's destroyed. Iamar and Gaia aren't going to be too far behind me when we fade to the nether realm."

"This is the first time in a long time I've heard you mention death King Cyrus," Antiman pointed out, an eyebrow raised.

"And it's only a matter of time," Cyrus finished.

"And what are you trying to tell me King Cyrus?"

"To live life like tomorrow's the end," Cyrus answered. "Now, if that's all, you're dismissed."

Cyrus was thankful when Antiman left, but sighed when he felt another presence. "Princess Migisi, I know you're there. Come out."

Kwanita's daughter didn't hesitate. She stood calmly in the doorway, staring at him with those bright blue eyes. Cyrus didn't know why this was, but her eyes seemed to be the most striking feature of her. It was strange to see the appearance of a human when you're so used to seeing the appearances of your kin, but it felt nice.

"Now, is there a reason you here Migisi?" Cyrus asked, watching her intently.

"To be honest with you, I don't know," the woman answered. "But that's not important right now. Did you say what I thought you just said?"

Cyrus was silent for a moment. "Care to elaborate?"

"That you're in love with me."

Hearing this, the Sun King sighed. "Migisi, even I don't know what I was saying, and I am not familiar with this emotion that tears at my chest like a knife. In fact, I'm not even sure if this is love."

"That's not the point Cyrus. Are you or are you not?"

Another sigh escaped Cyrus. "You understand, don't you Migisi?"

Migisi stared at him, confused.

"My people, myself included, have been doomed the moment our power source was created. The same can be said for Iamar, Gaia, and even you humans. Shouldn't that be the answer to your question?"

"The Sun...doomed?" Migisi asked, trying to contemplate whether or not to believe those words.

"Yes, and it has been for billions of years. That means when the star dies, my people will fade into the nether realm with it. Iamar and likely Gaia will follow shortly after as well, and I can't say the same about humans dying with us. What I'm trying to say Princess is that we are simply trying to live each day like it's our last."

"By falling in love with a woman you just met?"

"Describe "falling in love" Migisi. I'm afraid the definitions of our respective feelings are different in comparison."

No sound came from Migisi, and when she opened her mouth, nothing would come out.

"If that is all Migisi, you may leave." Cyrus waved her to the door, before turning back to his papers. He heard her shut the door and her soft footsteps walking down the hall towards her room. For the third time now, he sighed.

That woman had been confusing him since the day she attended the festival, and he didn't know what to do about it.

Since Thanksgiving break is under way, I may be able to update a little more, but I can't promise that.

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