A Brother's Anger

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I am so sorry for the late update! I don't have a good excuse, but I'm alone done with my art class (which is driving me crazy because I have to do a single thing for three hours straight) and sadly there aren't a lot of jobs in town for me at this time thanks to the economy. I also didn't know what I wanted to put here next, and I had to come up with a good climax to this story so I can continue it.

Anyway, you guys are more than welcome to punch me in the face now. I know I deserve it.

There were a few things that made Mexico angry, and one of those things happens to be the nations terrorizing his sister.

It had been a couple of hours since he heard of what the nations were planning to do to America, and to say that Mexico was angry was an understatement. He is beyond pissed, and ready to bash in some skulls.

When he arrived at the next meeting's location, he was a little surprised that the meeting room was not chaotic as usual, but it wouldn't matter. Mexico stormed over to the door and slammed the door open, causing a few cries of surprise to erupt from the nearest nations.

Other than that, the room was deathly silent.

Mexico looked at every single nation, not hiding his pure anger and disappointment with them. He then looked at his fucked up excuse of a younger brother.

"What," he began. "Have. You. Done?"

Canada held up his hands, as if he wanted to explain himself. "N-Now Diego--"

"That's "Mr. Martinez" to you," Mexico interrupted coldly. "Now are you going to answer me or am I going to have to call your boss and explain what you just did to them?"

Canada's face flushed with horror. "Y-You can't do that!"

"Oh? You're telling this to me when America's boss and her children's bosses have called your own boss and complained of your behavior? Are you telling me that I can't do the same, you stupid idiota?"

Canada answered him with silence.

"I didn't think so." Mexico then walked past him, but not before shooting his hand out and running his palm across Canada's face. Crying out, Canada collapsed to the floor, but Mexico paid him no more attention.

"Matthieu!" cried out France, and Mexico heard the other nation rush towards his fallen former colony as he stepped to the front of the room, his angered expression never leaving his face. Turning around, he finally saw France glaring up at him.

"What was zhat for Mexique?!" demanded the older nation. "Matthieu is your brother!"

"Hermano?" Mexico repeated condescendingly. "Are you saying that fucktard is my hermano Mr. Bonnefoy?"

Now France looked at him with a stunned expression, one that matched Canada's.

"I didn't realize this until recently, but now I understand what Emily was saying when she stated that I am her only living brother. You have changed Canada, and not for the better. You've allowed the other nations to corrupt you, and you forgot that Emily and I are your siblings!" Mexico sighed in disappointment. "I've never been more disappointed in anyone in my life, and I know Madre will say the same."

Canada stood up now. "How dare you talk bring Mother into this--"

"But this concerns her, doesn't it?" When Canada didn't answer, Mexico continued. "Madre taught us to always value the earth and our family, even through the darkest of times. Even when she disappeared, I wanted to be there for my little siblings, even when I didn't know that my youngest brother was actually my sister. Now, I'm wondering if my absence was the reason for your corruption and how Emily had to hide from all of us.

"Basically, Mr. Williams, you've taken Madre's ideals and stomped on them. You left Emily to the wolves, and you basically allowed your own nieces and nephews to be harmed in many ways! My own children being among them, as well as your own daughter! What does that say Canada?!"

Canada was back on his knees at this point, eyes wide and clearly on the verge of tears.

France then stood up. "Please stop Mexique, we understand--"

"No, you don't." Mexico looked at the other nations at this point. "I believe that Emily made it perfectly clear that she would rather jump off the nearest cliff than allow you into her lives in that way again, so I don't know if you guys are downright stupid or you are getting old, but frankly, you don't seem to understand what "no" means, do you?"

"What's your point?" England asked that now, and when Mexico looked at him, he almost winced. The other nation was covered with a lot of nasty wounds that were barely covered with bloody bandages. Crutches were nearby, and Mexico even spotted wheelchair nearby.

But either way, he felt nothing for the man.

"My point Mr. Kirkland is that you all are acting like immature children who are throwing tantrums because you didn't get what you want. And keep your mouth shut Mr. Wang, you are no better than the rest of us, but you seem to forget that your country is overpopulated, which is causing a lot of pollution."

That silenced the Asian man.

"Now, where was I? Oh yes, you suddenly want to be more to Emily, and both she and her children refuse to let you have that kind of relationship with her. And yet, you can't take no for an answer, even when she's already found love."

"Don't pretend you're any better!" Canada spat, glaring at his older brother. "We all know that you love her too!"

Mexico didn't flinch. "And that I do," he admitted, "but unlike you, I want her to be happy with whoever she chooses, even if it's not me. And you all would do well to remember that, and I will do anything to protect my sister, even if I have to go to war alongside her with you. Keep that in mind, and any other personal attack on my sister or my children and nieces and nephews will be an act of war."

"Now, wait, Mexico--" But Mexico was already gone at this point, storming out of the building and towards his car.

He said what he needed to say. Now, he needed to find some way to the Spirit Realm and find his sister.

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