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I am starting to hate Google! I can't even find a good picture to use for this chapter!

Oh well I guess...

"Now talk! What the hell are you doing here?" Wyoming ordered, just after he roughly threw England to the chair next to the fireplace. In response to their master's agitated mood, Astrid and Buddy started growling, their fur sticking up.

The disheveled nation shook his head as if to clear his head before looking back at America and Wyoming (and technically Winter even though he couldn't see her) with a fearful exhaustion that made him look older than ever.

"I'll have you know that coming here wasn't exactly my idea boy," England replied coldly. "And trust me, I didn't want to come here myself."

"Then why did you?" America asked, her tone apathetic, though inside she was wondering if her former caretaker had bombs on his person.

"You can ask that bloody frog and the other wankers for that."

America walked over to England, before roughly grabbing his hair and yanking him up to her level, which was to her shoulder. So she held him until they were directly at eye level, which forced England's feet off the ground.

The British nation cried out in pain as he tried to get out of America's grip, but America once more proved to be a lot stronger than he thought.

"And unfortunately for you, the other nations aren't here, only you, which means you have to answer all my questions whether you like it or not. And if I were you I'd be smart for once and go along with me, especially if you don't want those two to happily chop off your toes and fingers."

England groaned before he spoke. "Alright, alright, I'll talk! Just put me down, please!"

"Since you said please," America said before she dropped him back into the chair. Then she stepped back and crossed her arms. "Now, talk, why are you here?"

England sighed. "I was mostly coming this way for a much needed vacation, and then your wanker of a brother thought it would be funny to send me after you seeing as I was heading your way. The others also forced me to come here, saying that they'll trash my house if I didn't comply. And knowing how those bloody wankers are, I knew they would live true to their promise."

Wyoming raised an eyebrow. "So you fell for their bait and decided to stalk my mother rather than deal with them yourself. How pathetic. Ow!"

America had smacked her son upside the head without looking at him. "Don't encourage him Blake. Now, what was it that those fools wanted to learn from me?"

"You should already know the answer to that question America," England pointed out. "Especially after we've learned more about the world beyond ours from Canada."

America closed her eyes for a moment. "I see. I suppose I do know the answer, though I don't like it. And you understand I can't let you off that easily right?"

England said nothing.

"I didn't think so. Blake?" Wyoming turned to his mother. "I want you to take England to the farmhouse and keep him with the horses until I decide what to do with him and the others. After that, I have some business to attend to."

"Sure." Wyoming then moved towards England, ready to start dragging him outside by his arm, when England called out,


America turned back to him. "What?"

"They know what you're planning to do America," England replied. "They knew I would get caught and that you would come to them. And right now you're falling right into their trap!"

"You think I don't know that?" America asked indifferently. "I was practically waiting for one of you to make a wrong move, and now that time has come. And I'm not actually going to them."

England blinked. "What?"

"I have something else in mind, and that doesn't involve me actually facing them. Oh and Wyoming? After you've placed him in the barn, I need you and Winter to come upstairs with me to Cyrus and Iamar's room. And bring Astrid and Buddy with you."

"Of course." Wyoming then moved to drag England out, and this time the man didn't attempt to delay it. Once Wyoming closed the door behind him, America went upstairs with Winter in tow, who was eyeing her with confusion.

"What are you planning?"

"You'll see. But let's just say that my family and I are going to have to take a little vacation in the Spirit Realm for a while."

Winter said nothing after that.

America, In My Dreams (United States of America #2.5)Where stories live. Discover now