Wyoming's House

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Well, after that incident, America was happy when she finally saw her son's farm come into sight.

Like she said, it was located in the countryside, where you could have a full view of the snow-covered mountains and even the vast countryside itself. There was a small farmhouse near the large two-story cabin, where all Blake's horses would be, especially during the winter time. There was also a fenced yard where the horses would come out and play whenever the weather was nice too.

America, Cyrus, and Iamar got out of the car, with the former grabbing her bags, and walked up to Wyoming's front door. She rang the doorbell, hearing something crashing upstairs as a result.

The trio jumped back in surprise, before America felt a coldness that was out of place, and sighed in amusement.

It was probably Wyoming's lover.

Then the door opened, revealing a disheveled Wyoming. Although he was trying to hide it, his blush was present, and his clothes looked like they had been thrown on while in a hurry. Behind him, America saw a woman trying to keep herself invisible, wearing nothing but a long blue blanket. And even from where she was standing, America could see that she was blushing a dark blue.

"H-Hello Mother," Wyoming greeted, clearly out of breath.

"Hello Blake," America greeted with a knowing eyebrow raised. "And I see you've been...busy."

"Y-Yes! I was busy. Really busy," Wyoming agreed, his blush somehow darkening to a tomato red color.

"Well, you go make yourself look more presentable, and that means you too Miss," America called to the female, who squeaked and immediately dashed up the stairs.

"Mom!" Wyoming whined, shaking with embarrassment.

America eyed her son innocently. "What?" she questioned. "You two clearly hadn't been expecting us to arrive at this time. And I told you over the phone when we would be arriving."

"I know, but still..."

"Don't you talk back to me young man. Now, go change, you really need it."

Wyoming was a little too eager to comply, because he quickly nodded his head and followed the woman up the stairs extremely quickly. Then it was silent in the house once more.

"Um..." Iamar began, his face questioning, "that was interesting."

"I know," America agreed, smiling a little. "This is probably the only time in a long time that you will see my son like this, because he somehow makes it his life mission to keep lots of his emotions, like his embarrassment, in check. Though, whenever I'm around, he never does a good job at that."

"You are your son's mother after all," Cyrus finished with a proud look on his face. America playfully slapped his arm.

"Oh hush you. Now, go make yourselves comfortable in the living room. Astrid and Buddy seem to be outside right now, so they won't bother you right now. But just be prepared when they do come in okay?"

"Where are you going?" Iamar asked.

"To the guest room to put my stuff down," America answered. "Besides, I'm only going to take a second."

Both men blushed bright red before turning away and leaving a confused America to go up to the guest room to put down her bags. What did she say? She was sure she said nothing wrong there.


America looked out the bedroom window, feeling like she was being watched. Of course, she didn't see anything, but something still felt off, like there was an uninvited guest here.

Finally, America heard the familiar barking of Astrid and Buddy coming from downstairs, as well as Cyrus and Iamar's cries of surprise. Giggling, she hurried back downstairs to find Blake and the woman watching as the two dogs licked the hell out of the two Spirit Kings.

"Astrid, Buddy, come here!" she called, saving her two lovers. The dogs eagerly ran over to her, demanding to be pet, and America scratched behind their ears and rubbed their backs. Then the dogs flopped onto their backs, giving America access to their bellies.

"Who are the cutest doggies in the world?" she cooed. "Who are they? You are! Yes you are!"

"Mom," Blake complained, his cheeks bright pink. "Please."

"Please what?"

"Not in front of them."

"Oh don't be that way Blake," America scolded with a playful pout. "And I can whatever I want, and you know it."

Wyoming grumbled something under his breath, but the blush didn't disappear from his face.

The woman leaned closer to him, a teasing smile on her lips. "I never thought you would be unable to stand up to your own mother," she whispered, loud enough for everyone to hear. "That's quite cute."

Wyoming made a little whining sound, and the woman's eyes now widened and she started to shake until she couldn't take it anymore and she squealed.

"So cute!" She then pounced on Wyoming, taking the startled man to the ground. Astrid and Buddy, hearing the commotion, suddenly wanted to get involved and rushed over to the couple, licking the both of them like there was no tomorrow.

America giggled at the sight, while Cyrus and Iamar were watching with stunned amazement. Finally, Iamar turned to America.

"Is this normal?"

"As normal as it ever could be? What did you expect though? I already told you that my family is crazy in more ways than one, so why are you so surprised?"

The only response America got to that was a blushing face.

America, In My Dreams (United States of America #2.5)Where stories live. Discover now