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By the time the week came around, America knew it was going to be a long one, which wasn't usual, but now she wasn't looking forward to it anymore than she had been before.

She knew what was coming, and, for the thousandth time since she started working alongside the nations, she wished she was anywhere but here. Now, she was left wondering how Canada or the other nations were going to approach her.

She had a feeling it was when she was alone.

So, by the time she got there, everyone was once more silent, waiting for her to arrive. America eyed them all, counting the seats one by one, and, once confirming that the nations got her culture through their heads, she went towards her seat, waiting for whoever was hosting this meeting to get things started.

Italy was up, and surprisingly did a presentation on how to deal with the Italian mafia problem, though both he and Romano looked reluctant about the subject. It never came to America's mind to doubt that the two were once (and perhaps even still be) apart of said mafia.

After all, the mafia wasn't something you wanted to mess with if you could help it.

So, after the spend the majority of the meeting requesting and hearing suggestions towards the apparent problem, a break was called. America immediately walked out, knowing that her ex-brother was following right behind her.

"What do you want Mr. Williams?" she called over her shoulder, eventually hearing Canada freeze. She then heard him open and close his mouth, clearly still stunned that America knew it was him who was following her.

America sighed in annoyance. "Are you going to spit it out Mr. Williams? I have to get my lunch you know. Oh, and if this is about Cyrus and Iamar, don't bother, because I already know what you're up to."

She heard Canada gasp. "H-How did you--"

"How do you think I know Mr. Williams?" America asked, going back to walking towards the kitchen area and allowing her ex-brother to follow. "It should be quite obvious to you, shouldn't it?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You've awoken Mother's powers, haven't you?"

Silence answered America, but she knew she got him, especially since she heard him freeze from behind her. Once she got her lunch bag, she turned to Canada, finding him sickly pale and eyes as wide as dinner plates.

"Well, you have, haven't you?" America questioned once more, moving to walk past him. "It's not a secret to me now, especially since you've obviously been seeing Iamar."

But then Canada grabbed her arm. "What are they to you America?" he asked quietly.

"That's none of your concern Mr. Williams." America tried to yank herself out of her ex-brother's grip, but he only tightened it.

"You will answer me now Emily!"

America glared at him, and he flinched. "Do not speak my name Mr. Williams," she threatened. "I've never given you the right to do so, and you happily complied in the past. I don't know what you trying to gain from wasting my time, but frankly it's starting to annoy me."

"Annoy you?" Canada repeated quietly, before he raised his tone in anger. "It annoys you?!"

But then the click of a gun made Canada freeze. He looked down, finding America's hidden revolver off safety and pressed in the area exactly where his heart was. When he looked back into America's eyes, she stared right back in indifferent warning.

"Let go, Mr. Williams," she ordered slowly, like he was a child with a learning disability. Slowly, Canada complied. "Get down on your knees."

He did.

America, In My Dreams (United States of America #2.5)Where stories live. Discover now