Dance With Me

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"Come," Cyrus beckoned, holding out a tanned hand to America, who had recently recovered from her wounds.

America was now dressed in literally a warm attire. Her clothing also would be considered indecent if anyone from Earth saw her like this. She was wearing an orange dress that was separated and barely connected at the midsection, showing some of her toned stomach. Around her neck, a glowing red necklace sat, attached to the upper area of the dress and clearly serving as its supporter. Then, on America's arms and legs, a dark red substance acted as socks and gloves, but they were very warm, comfortingly so. In addition, she was wearing glowing red heels that wrapped around her calves like red veins, ending with what appeared to be a ruby at their peak, and her hair was held up by a bonnet that was aflame slightly.

Quietly, America took Cyrus' hand, allowing him to guide her through the castle and into what appeared to be the gardens, except their plants were literally made of fire. If Cyrus knew she was looking around, he didn't show it as he finally brought her to a patio that was held in a pillar of fire. Even as they passed, America felt no searing heat.

"What is bothering you Migisi?" Cyrus asked as he stopped. He turned to her, his face calm and serious.

"I'm just worried for my children," she answered truthfully. Before Cyrus asked her to accompany him here, a couple servants took her children somewhere, including D.C. and Maine. Of course, Maine clearly didn't want to leave his mother's side, as he was crying on the way out, and America couldn't comfort him.

"The servants are taking them to the party near here," Cyrus told her. "And don't worry, it's not like the parties on your world if that's what you're thinking. Multiple spirits of various kinds, even Gaia herself, are going to be attending, and I'm sure they'll be able to help the children forget what happened."

America nodded, a frown overtaking her face. It was so hard not to think about what those monsters had done and not feel rage over it. Her rage must've been showing, because Cyrus snapped his fingers, and the fire that had been building from her bones and outfit dimmed.

America looked down. "I'm sorry."

She heard Cyrus approaching her silently, and didn't expect his hand to gently tilt her chin up to meet his eyes. "Why do you keep apologizing for something that is not of your doing?"

America didn't answer, and Cyrus sighed.

"I understand how angered you are, in fact there are many things that anger me, and that's when other spirits fight each other for no good reason or for unholy intentions. I'm sure you can understand what I'm talking about."

America did, and the image of a bird made of thunder flashed in her mind.

"Come, dance with me." America looked up, seeing Cyrus holding out his hand with a smile on his face. She felt color rise to her cheeks, and she smiled shyly as she took the Sun King's outstretched hand and allowed him to pull her into his embrace. Then, without any music playing, the two of them began to dance to their own waltz. Eventually, America found herself leaning in closer to Cyrus, either because of his warmth or how much she trusted him, she didn't care to find out at the moment as she leaned against his chest.

For a moment, she felt his heart skip a beat, and his grip on her tightened a little. Then America allowed him to take their dancing to a whole new level, becoming more intense, more passionate, and more feverish. America followed just as much, even allowing Cyrus to lean her against the warm fires around them until he pulled her back to his chest.

America didn't know they were being watched for a moment before that child walked away and back to the party Cyrus talked about.


The party was so unusual even Massachusetts had a hard time keeping his attention away. There were spirits of multiple kinds, and even Mother Gaia was present, calmly tending to little Maine, who was shaking and trying to keep himself together. The sight made Massachusetts' heart pound with anger.

Those monsters, the monsters that was supposed to be his father and uncle happily did this, to his mother and brothers. To his family! Massachusetts never felt so much hatred for anyone, or gratefulness for the Spirit King of the Sun for helping his mother forget that moment.

"Um, excuse me?" a shy, female voice called. Massachusetts automatically forgot his anger when he heard that voice, because it flowed beautifully, almost like a melody, or more importantly like a river.

Turning, he saw a small girl with light blue skin, sky blue hair, the matching eyes, and wearing shells in her hair and colorful rocks on her wrists. Her dress was clearly made of some watery silk, which fit her figure perfectly, and there were what appeared to be jeweled shells going from her ears to her cheeks partway.

A water spirit.

"Yes?" he asked, not trusting himself to say anything else.

The spirit played with a strand of hair nervously. "Your name is...Felix, right?"


The spirit then smiled, so pretty that Massachusetts couldn't help but stare. "It's nice to meet you! I'm Aqua."

"N-Nice to meet you Aqua," Massachusetts greeted, bowing before her. In response, Aqua blushed a dark blue and waved her hands in front of her face.

"Oh no, don't bow to me! You don't have to do that."

"I insist," Massachusetts replied, unable to resist his own smile. He looked towards the dancing spirits, some dancing with others, others on their own, and turned to look at Aqua. "Would you like to dance with me?"

The blue on her cheeks deepened in color. "Oh, um...y-yes!"

Massachusetts took her hand and lead her into the crowd, where they danced slowly but grew in speed as the dance went on. Aqua smiled and giggled with delight, and Massachusetts soon followed.

Yes, Mother was right about this kind of place. It was better than being on Earth, but they'll have to make due.

America, In My Dreams (United States of America #2.5)Where stories live. Discover now