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God America was grateful that she wouldn't have any meetings for the next month. She really didn't want to have to attempt to cover her tracks, especially when a certain ex-brother of hers was concerned.

Right now, America was currently in the Sun Realm, deciding to spend a few weeks here until it was time to face the music once more. Well, it wasn't like her boss needed her for much anyway, and America knew her children's bosses would be the same with them, so they would be spending that time with their own lovers.

So here America was, getting ready for another dance with Cyrus and Iamar, the latter who was visiting once more. For the occasion, Cyrus' maid Eos was helping her into her attire once more.

The dress she was wearing was a sagging strapless dress that was black in color, though the lower dress appeared to literally be burning, if the moving flames there were any indication. To match the outfit, she was also wearing the matching long and sagging pull-on sleeves. Her long hair was done up in a fiery bonnet, and yes it was literally on fire, but not burning her.

And for her feet? Well, she was going barefoot.

"Go on Miss, it's time," Eos said as she followed America out of the room, her feet silent on the marble floors.

God if Elizabeth ever saw this, America knew the late English queen would lose her mind.

Eventually she came to the ballroom, where Cyrus was sitting on his throne, dressed in an armor that once more displayed his figure for all to see. Beside him, Iamar sat on the guest throne, dressed in an armor that shone randomly in silver lights. His cape was a dark blue and touched the floor.

Both men watched America's every move as she walked towards them, and she couldn't help but smile at them. They smiled back, though America caught the eye of Cyrus' advisor, Antiman, staring at her in disapproval. She narrowed her eyes at him, and he looked away.

America never really liked the spirit, especially after what he said to Cyrus when she was still getting used to them in the past. After that, the man never said anything else to get his king to cease all communication with her, but the yearning for it was still there.

But still, America had to admit at least his company was more bearable than the other nations.

Then both Cyrus and Iamar stood up and walked over to her, taking one of her hands and leading her to the middle of the room. The people quickly made way for them, and with that, the musicians began to play their instruments, allowing America, Cyrus, and Iamar to dance with one another.

And, reluctantly, the people eventually started to dance themselves, though they made sure to keep their king, the Spirit King of the Moon, and America within their sights at all times, for their dancing was so beautiful you'd have to be a lunatic to look away for a long period of time.

Eventually, the two kings brought their lover closer to them, whispering into her ear, "What are we going to do about them?"

America thought about it for a moment before she answered. "Right now, I'm going to patiently wait for them to screw up. When they do, I will make their lives a living hell, and my children and I will enjoy every moment of it."

The men chuckled under their breaths. "You never cease to amaze us Migisi," Cyrus commented, still at a low octave. "And once more, I must say I love that mind of yours."

"Do you just love my mind, or me?" America teased with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh stop that. You know the answer to that and you know it." Cyrus said all that with a pout. America resisted the urge to playfully smack him upside the head.

"I know, and maybe you should stop acting like a child right now. We aren't alone you know."

"Hey! Don't leave me out," Iamar jumped in, pouting himself. America allowed him to spin her around multiple times, with her miraculously not getting in the least bit dizzy before he brought her back into his embrace.

"Oh, and that reminds me!" America brought the two men closer to her, and she whispered, "My son, Wyoming, would like to introduce you to his lover Iamar, and you too Cyrus. I thought this would be good for you to get to know his land a little more. You've always wanted to visit it, right Iamar?"

"Of course!" Iamar said, smiling big. "I've always wanted to go there."

Cyrus grumbled something under his breath, and America and Iamar turned to him. "You don't have to come if you don't want to Cyrus."

Cyrus actually looked offended. "Of course I'm going! I don't have to like the weather, but there's no way I'm letting Iamar have all the fun!"

America chuckled at this. That was Cyrus alright. He hated winter with a passion, though he never said anything about it, and this coming from the Spirit King of the Sun, who's able to stay warm even in the most brutal weather!

Well, America was sure going to get a good laugh from this when they head to her son's place. Though she could only hope Cyrus didn't try to fry poor Astrid and Buddy alive.

Wyoming would probably kill Cyrus if he did that, regardless whether or not he was a Spirit King.

I want to thank P1nkPumpkin for giving me an idea, and now while I'm at it I'm going to try and come up with a good conclusion to this story too so I won't lead myself on a ride I don't know I'm riding on.

Anyway, thank you so much P1nkPumpkin!

America, In My Dreams (United States of America #2.5)Where stories live. Discover now