Dancing Under the Moon

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He took her to a certain area of her secret forest, the place that only America, Iamar, Cyrus, America's children, and their lovers know about. It was the place that was all theirs. A clearing of beautiful and crystal clear water. Iamar walked across the water, holding out his hand for America to take.

America was in her garb of Princess Migisi, and the light breeze sent a few of her long locks in flight. She smiled, and walked across the water to Iamar, soon taking his hand.

The Spirit King brought her close, an arm around her waist and the other guiding her hand. Then he danced with her, in the center of the clear pond, with the moon shining bright above them.

America smiled lovingly up at Iamar, who gazed at her like she was the only woman in the world, a world that she holds in her own hands, and his heart. The water under them created ripples, even more as they danced. Iamar would spin America around him, keeping his hold on her, lift her into the air, and lean close to her, so close that they could kiss.

Both he and Cyrus did that so many times, and even after those so many times, their kisses made America weak in the knees. Iamar's kisses were like a cool but beautiful night sky, so full of mystery and so alluring, that America felt like she could take on the world by herself. Cyrus' kisses burned against hers with a fiery passion that would make her beg for more.

Sometimes, whenever they had time, Iamar and/or Cyrus would take America here during the night or day to dance with her. The only time the both of them would come here together was when a solar eclipse was at play, and America remembered when that happened the first time before the Revolution.


America watched the sky above from her room, unaffected by the bright rays of the sun as the moon passed in front of it. She had been visiting the Sun Realm for a while, and it was not long ago that she visited the Moon Realm, a realm just as beautiful as its counterpart.

The city was full of life, of silver buildings and streets, and the people possessed either black, dark blue, white, or silver hair, while their most striking characteristic was their silver skin. They dressed in gowns whose designs fashion designers could only dream of, and as far as America see, there were no poor people anywhere.

The palace Iamar lived in seemed to reach beyond the atmosphere of the moon, though America doubted there was atmosphere in this realm (though that doesn't explain how she's able to breathe here), and well cared for. The inside was the same, and whenever a maid would dress America, she would wear dresses that brought out her eyes and a hairstyle that would probably make France drown in his tears, and she has no doubt that could happen.

Now, America knew she was becoming closer and closer to the two Spirit Kings, and didn't know what could happen if England found out of this. It was bad enough that he found her crazy that she could see all kinds of spirits, though he was one to talk, and knew that this declaration would take the cake.

America didn't care anymore. Her life was none of the man's business, and as long as he stays out of her business she'll stay out of his.

It's why she's tolerated him for so long now.

America looked up, seeing the total solar eclipse, and gasped in surprise to see two figures falling from the sky, one in a fiery blaze, the other in a icy comet. She recognized them instantly, and hurried to her closet for her Indian outfit.

Once she placed the headdress on, allowing her long hair to grow, she ran from the house, ignoring the alarmed looks from her maids. Now outside, she had a clear view of the falling figures, and rushed into the secret forest, running as fast as she could to their crash site, which happened to be a lake in the middle of the forest.

The lake eventually came into a clear view, and America walked into the view of the two males, a disbelieving smile on her face. The men, the Spirits Kings of the Sun and Moon, smiled back at her as she approached, holding out their hands.

America took them without hesitation, and from there they danced with her under the eclipse, and until the eclipse ended, America knew.

She was in love with two men, two men who are out of her world.


America smiled at Iamar again, loving the way his skin sparkled under the moonlight, the way his hair slightly danced with the breeze, and the pure love in his silver eyes. She never thought she could love such a man, and she had been proven wrong.

As the moon began to set, Iamar lifted America above his head and placed a loving kiss on her lips. They then clung to each other, desperate for each other's touch, even as the moon moved closer to the horizon.

Eventually, they released each other, and Iamar placed a loving farewell kiss on America's forehead. "We will meet again, my eagle," he whispered to her, just before he began to fade.

America smiled. "Yes, my moon, we will." She then curtsied deep, watching as the king vanished from her view.

She stayed in that position until the sun cut through the horizon, signifying the start of another lonely day.

America, In My Dreams (United States of America #2.5)Where stories live. Discover now