Timeless Dreams

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It had been days since America had dinner with the Kings, and she was back there now, except in the Moon Realm, dressed in a black gown that hugged her figure, showed off her breasts, and even seemed to move when she didn't. Her arms and hands were covered with black moon rock powder that was designed with roses, and the same was applied to her eyelids. Her hair was loose, but it sparkled with the diamond shards that dwelled in it.

No one would've recognized her if they saw her.

America was to have dinner again with the Kings, and she was confused on what they wanted from her. Sure, she knew it was partly because she was Kwanita's daughter, but there had to be some other reason. As America followed a maid to the dining room, her bare feet hitting the marble floors, she stayed lost in thought.

Why were they so persistent on getting to know her?

How did Kwanita first meet them?

So many hows and whys, and America didn't know who to ask.

"We're here Miss," the maid said, opening the doors for America. America nodded in thanks before walking in, a little surprised at the amount of people.

Unlike the last time, there were more people at the dining table, talking amongst themselves without a care in the world, stopping when she came in. Though, they must've realized they were staring, because they blushed a dark blue before quietly returning to their meals.

Cyrus and Iamar just smiled at her.

"Migisi, I thought you would never come. Please, help yourself to a seat," Iamar greeted warmly. America couldn't help smiling back at him as she did as she was told.

Once she was seated, servants placed food before her, which appeared as discolored fish, pink-colored grapes, black bread, and even a cup of what appeared to be wine. America took them graciously and quietly began to ate, surprised that the bread tasted just like the bread on Earth, but like in the Sun Realm, the rest of the food tasted different. The fish was spicy, unlike any fish she had ever tasted before; the grapes were extremely sweet, like they were candy instead of fruit; and the wine tasted like vanilla instead of the usual bitter taste.

France would probably die of a heart attack if he heard of this.

"So, Migisi, the people were wondering what life is like on Earth, is it alright if you can answer it."

America was a little surprised at Iamar's request, but answered anyway, "It's almost like this place, except not everyone can dress the way your people can King Iamar. Not everyone has the money to buy beautiful clothing, jewelry, and makeup."

"Money?" Iamar, along with Cyrus and the guests, appeared confused.

"Money is something my kind uses to obtain whatever we need and want, like food and, yes, clothing and homes, and I do not know why it was invented."

"May we see what this "money" looks like?"

America realized she had a coin on her this entire time, so she took it out and passed it around, allowing the people to examine it. They eyed it like it was an alien object, and one woman even commented, "This should belong on a headpiece!" 

Once the coin was given back to her, Cyrus said, "How strange. It truly is unfortunate that your kind doesn't appreciate what we have."

America didn't know whether to take that as a insult or a compliment.

"I suppose so," she said instead. "However, every culture will be different my king."

"That's true," Iamar answered for Cyrus, giving his friend a look. "But enough of that. How are you enjoying our food Migisi?"

"I must admit that it's different, but in a very good way. I love how simple it is, the simplest of things can be amazing too." The chefs, who happened to be nearby, beamed at her compliment, while the people smiled at her.

"I'm happy to hear that, now let's not stall ourselves now everyone. Eat, eat!" With that command, the moon people eagerly returned to their meals, America following behind them.

She had to admit that being here made her happier than on Earth, and for a moment her heart hurt.

The war was coming, and America knew she couldn't run from it forever. Her people were suffering and were desperate, so she knew she had no choice but to follow through with their wishes.

It was already bad enough that England never bothered to see things through her point-of-view. Sure, she got that he needed money, but these were for redundant wars for the love of Gaia! It was bad enough that their oh so beloved king, George, was not helping matters either.

Her children were now being placed into a danger America couldn't get them out of, and for a second America rubbed her stomach, where her little girl was developing, hoping that she could turn back time and protect them better.


America opened her eyes. She was now once more dressed as Princess Migisi, and her children were with her inside the invisible forest, though in different locations. Being directly related to her, they also had free reign in the forest, where they could meet their own supernatural and fantastical lovers. America herself was located at the lake where Iamar danced with her the other night, and it was there where she could remember the times her relationship with the two spirit kings became something more.

Time was nonexistent here, so she could have all the time in the world to remember those times.

So, she just closed her eyes once more and dreamed.

America, In My Dreams (United States of America #2.5)Where stories live. Discover now