Author's Note

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Alright guys, I'm sorry if you thought this was an update, but I really need you guys to be informed once more.

Now, I'm just going to go out there and say this, but I'm going to stop writing this book. Now, hold on, before you blow up on me, let me explain.

I'm not actually giving up on this story, but I am going to abandon the plot of this one. I'm planning on rewriting this story, mostly because I'm very disappointed with how it's turning out.

For one thing, I really don't like where this is going, and I feel like the current chapters have been taking the focus off America, Cyrus, and Iamar's relationship. There's also the fact that I feel that the nations shouldn't be allowed to meet the latter two for a very long time, which, in my opinion, complicates the plot even further. Finally, I feel like the progression of America's relationship with the two Spirit Kings was too quick, and I was unintentionally not allowing it to grow and have America, Cyrus, and Iamar slowly fall in love.

I really am not too fond of the romance novels that I've been reading these days, mostly because those no relationship development, but that's beside the point.

So, this book is going to be rewritten separately, just so everyone will enjoy this section and I don't want to hear complaints of me taking it down. However, due to me now being in college, which is taking up the majority of my time (and the part-time job I'll be working some time in October), do not expect the rewritten version right away or any updates to the other fan works I'm working on.

I'll try to update one story every weekend, but don't get your hopes up.

Anyway, thank you for your patience and support! I'll try to not let you guys down!


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