A Sister's Worry

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America was looking out the window of her room in the Sun Realm, worrying her lower lip. Why you may ask? Because she felt something was going on back in the real world to her brother.

She wanted to go back there and find Mexico, but how would she even be able to get to him without drawing unwanted attention to herself? It was already bad enough that the other nations couldn't take no for an answer, so how would she even be able to get to Mexico in time?

So lost in her thoughts, America never noticed the door opening or someone stepping through.

"What is wrong, Migisi?"

America gasped, jumping about a foot in the air before she snapped around, her sky blue eyes coming in contact with Cyrus' flaming orbs. She sighed.

"I'm sorry to startle you Migisi," Cyrus quickly said before getting back to the matter at hand. "You're worried. May I ask why?"

After getting her bearings, America told the Sun King about her worry for her brother and what could possibly be happening to him right now. When she finished, Cyrus' lips were pursed and he was looking out the window with slightly angry eyes.

"That is concerning," he agreed. "But what are you proposing to do, Migisi?"

"I need to find him, I know that much," America answered, "but how can I when the other nations are watching my country like hawks?"

Cyrus thought about it for a moment before he beamed a little. "I think I have an idea."

America looked up. "You do?"

"Yes. I sincerely doubt that the boy has enough control over his newfound powers to sense the presence of other Spirits if they happen to be nearby. So if I  send them to your brother in your stead, he shouldn't be able to sense them."

America smiled, relief overwhelming her. "You brilliant man."

Cyrus puffed out his chest in pride. "And proud of it!" He then smiled lovingly at America. "Now, come, the dances are about to begin, and you need to get dressed for it."

America sighed, this time with amusement. "Of course, my king. I do dress to impress, after all."

"I don't doubt it."

America, In My Dreams (United States of America #2.5)Where stories live. Discover now