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America snapped out of her memories, looking up to see her daughter, Maryland. Maryland was apart of the Original Thirteen, and England's daughter, which a nation would've been able to figure out because of her accent alone.

However, Mary looked exactly like America, with her amber blonde hair, sky blue eyes, and tan skin, but she was much shorter than her mother, her hair normally reaching her waist, and is always found wearing a crown made of wheat or different kinds of plants. Right now she was wearing a crown made of white flowers, a dress made of an otherworldly kind of white silk, and she was barefoot (like normal).

"Yes Mary?" America acknowledged.

"Is everything alright?" Mary walked over to her, her dress leaving behind a flower trail in the process. She then made herself comfortable next to the older woman, leaning against the tree and gazing out over the lake.

"Yes, I'm just thinking," America answered truthfully.

"But you looked disturbed."

Mary was the kind of person who saw everything. You could say she got that ability from tending to her fields. She wasn't known as Demeter for nothing after all.

"Just bad memories Mary. It's in the past now, so let's just focus on the future," America reassured.

Mary said nothing to this, but she nodded all the same.

She looked out across the lake. "So, Mother, is--"

But she realized that said woman was already lost in her thoughts again.


They were horrified at what they were seeing.

The two women who represented the different sides of the Civil War were ripping, clawing, punching, and screaming at each other like rapid animals. The first woman, clearly the Union, was a woman with close-cropped dark brown hair, tan skin, the matching brown eyes, and the body of a laborer, while the other woman (the Confederate) was a woman with long and silky blonde hair, green eyes, pale skin, and the figure of a petite woman. They also dressed in the clothing their sides represented.

The two of them were cursing at each other like the world was ending that day, and they were punching, kicking, scratching, biting, and hurting each other with pure hatred clouding their senses. The two men clearly hoped America was still in those women, fighting her way out, but this was destroyed when they saw the two women do something they knew America would never do.

Trying to kill America's children.

One of the little ones got too close to the two women, and when they saw that child, they screeched and lunged for him, which the latter barely dodged, and that was when the states knew they had to leave, for staying with the two halves of their mother proved to be dangerous.

To think that the woman they cared about turned into this.

But they supposed this was to be. After all, being a nation meant so many things, and this seemed to be one of them.

So they never came to Earth, even when a solar eclipse came and went. Even they knew how serious this was, and no matter what they did, they would never get through to America.

So, it shouldn't be surprising that they were relieved when the Union won, allowing the two women to merge back together into America. She was in a coma for a few days before she awoke, completely naked and remembering everything about the war. They watched as she went after her scared children and reunited with them, all of them joyous that the war was finally over.

A few days later, they approached her at last, the next solar eclipse allowing them to head to Earth once more.

Kwanita's only daughter looked up at them, a small but strained smile on her face. She knew why they were here, and what they saw her become.

She sighed when they approached her. "What do you want to know?"

America, In My Dreams (United States of America #2.5)Where stories live. Discover now