Week 6//Part 2 - Movin' In

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No song of the chapter this time because it's super short :)


                                                                       March 12th, 2011

                                                                          “Moving In”

                                                                                                 Condo in Chicago, just arriving, around... 7pm

The sun was just setting, which only makes Chicago more gorgeous than it already is. John and I got to his new place around seven. I trailed my bags behind me as we walked down the long hallway to his place. His condo is at, like the end of the hallway. So it took a while to get there.

“Well, here we are.” John said, us standing at the entrance to our condo. “Ready to see your new place?”

“John! This isn't Extreme Makeover: Home Edition! Stop with the tension! Open the d*** door!”

“Okay! D***!” he laughed. He shoved the key in the lock and opened the door.

It was AMAZNIG. Huge, roomy, bright. Well, I imagine it's bright when it's daytime and not sunset.

“Welcome to our humble abode.” he said, taking some of my bags in.

“'Humble'? Understatement of the year! This place is amazing!” I said, taking the rest of my stuff in.

“Yeah, I know. Anyway, you got the room upstairs to the right. I got the one to the left.” he said with a smile. “I'll help you take your bags upstairs.” he offered.


We got all my bags in my room, which was huge by the way, and I turned to him smiling.

“Thanks for doing this, John.” I said earnestly. He shook his head.

“Don't. I wanted to. We're amazing friends, so it's the least I could do.” he said, lightly punching me in the arm.

“Yeah, well. I coulda defended myself just fine with my vast collection of weapons. Now you're gonna have to deal with them.” I said playfully. He chuckled.

“Yeah, I guess. But I've been trained by Chuck freaking Norris! Have YOU been trained by Chuck freaking Norris? I think not. So we're very evenly matched, my friend.” he said cockily. I laughed.

“Well, no. I haven't. But I think I'll survive.” I said, walking over to one of my suitcases.

“Need some help unpacking?” he asked, following me.

“Could you? I have a lot of **** I need to put away.” I said, rather pitifully. He laughed.

“Well, I did too. So don't be ashamed.” he said, beginning to unpack my clothes. “Where do you buy your clothes, the thrift store?” he held up a pair of jeans with a large skull on the left leg. I yanked it from his hands and chuckled a little.

“Yes.” I said sharply. “They're cheap and cool lookin'.” I shoved the pants, along with other things, in my dresser.

“Gonna fold those?”


“Nice.” he turned to me. “Hey...”

“Yeah?” I turned to him, stopping my shoving-clothes-in-my-dresser process.

“I... I wanted to ask you something.” he began. I raised an eyebrow.


“I... um... nothing.” he said turning away. I looked at him confused and turned him around by his arm.

“No... what were you gonna say?” I asked. He tutted.

“It's nothing.”

“NO!” I shouted. “It IS something! And you have me all rapped up in wondering what you were going to say. Now say it.” I folded my arms.

“Fine.” he sighed. “But... can I say it in... actions? And not words?”

“Well, the wording 'saying it in actions' doesn't really make ANY sense. But okay.” I said, slightly smiling.

All of a sudden, he grabbed my face and pulled it to his. We kissed. For a while. I didn't really know what was happening until a couple seconds in to the kiss. I kinda like, got into it a little. I released me from the kiss and stood back a little.

“I-I think that explains what I wanted to say pretty well.” he said, shrugging. I nodded in agreement.

“Now... since YOU got to say something...” I said. He nodded. “Please... allow me to do so as well.” With that, I kissed him as well. It kinda involuntarily turned in to a full on make out session. We slowly let each other go and cleared our throats, trying to straighten up.

“We can... NEVER tell anyone that this happened.” he said. I nodded quickly.

“Oh, no! No one can know this happened.” I agreed. He nodded.

“I'm gonna head to bed.” he said, pointing to the door.

“Yeah, me too. I'll finish unpacking in the morning. Sleep well.” I said, smiling. He smiled back.

“You too.” he said. He exited the room and closed the door behind him.

I held the shirt I was holding when this all happened closely. I let a smile come across my face as I sat down on the edge of my bed. I sighed. Did that just happen? I can't believe that just happened. Really? Really? Seriously? Wow. I changed in to my pajamas and climbed in to bed. I couldn't sleep, of course. How could I? I laid awake for HOURS just thinking about what happened. We're best friends. And we kissed? Amazing. Not a rare occurrence for many people. But for me, yes, yes it is. I vowed not matter how much I fell for him, I'd never do that. But I did. But fairly, HE kissed ME first. Not that I have a problem with that, or anything. But... yeah.

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