Chapter 5

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The next morning I woke up to the sound of the shower. I sat up in my bed and saw that Niall was missing. The bathroom door was wide open, he wasn't making this easy for me.

"Yeah, sure! You can use my shower Niall I don't mind!" I yelled. He just laughed.

"Thank you Soph. That's very kind of you." He turned the water off.

"Err...Sophie, can you give me a towel, love? I kind of forgot to grab one." Water was dripping from his wet hair, he was perfect. I couldn't take my eyes off him.

"Oh, um yeah sure." I bit my lip and handed him a towel.

"Thank you." He smiled. I got changed into a pair of jeans and a Tshirt. He walked out of the bathroom, wearing jeans and a white Tshirt. I'd never seen someone look that good before. His hair was soaking wet and messy. I bit my lip.

"Good morning!" He kissed my cheek and went out of the bedroom. He was too perfect.

"Hey Sophie, can I borrow your laptop?" He yelled from the living room.

"Err, yeah sure. It's on the table." I pulled myself together and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. My hair was a mess, I just put it up in a pony tail.

Suddenly, I heard my ringtone going off. I looked at my phone and it was my dad. Shit, I'd forgot to call him yesterday. He must've been going out of his mind. I answered.

Surprisingly enough, he wasn't mad at all. He said that he understood that I was tired and everything. Of course I didn't tell him about Niall but he was wondering why it sounded like I had a cow in the apartment. Niall was so gonna get back for that.

After breakfast we went out for a walk. "Hey Niall, I forgot to tell you that I have to work for like 3 hours today. But the thing is, I have no idea where Startbucks is." I felt my cheeks going red.

"That alright, I have to meet up with the boys to talk about our next album anyway. And I'll show you where Starbucks is, don't worry." He smiled and took my hand. "How about going to Nandos today?" He looked really excited.

"I have never been there but yeah sure." He looked offended.

"WHAT!?" His jaw dropped. "It's the most amazing restaurant ever. We have to go there! I can't believe you've never been there!" He was still in shock.

"Niall, we don't have Nandos in Sweden you know." I winked.

"Oh...Oh yeah! I forgot, sorry about that." He grinned.

He took me everywhere. The London Eye, Big Ben, London Bridge, he showed me all the great restaurants, cafe´s and all the other amazing things there was to see. But he made sure that he wasn't too close to me and we were both wearing sunglasses, hoodies and all that. Coming from a small town this wasn't something I was used to. Everywhere we went Niall was mobbed by fans. But he was so sweet to them. He took pictures with them, signed all their stuff and chatted with them. I can't blame him though. The fans are the reason that he is where he is right now. And if I was one of those girls I'd want him to stop and chat with me too.

At about 3 pm he left for his meeting with the boys and the managment and I went off to Starbucks. The staff was lovely and I had a feeling that I would get along really well with my co-workers. But I couldn't stop thinking about Niall. It was so weird, I missed him and we'd just met 2 days ago! Finally, it was time for me to go home. Niall would pick me up at 7 pm so I had a little less than 2 hours to get ready. I hurried home, took a quick shower and didn't bother to straighten my hair, I just let it dry by itself. My hair was curly, this would surprise Niall. I put on a skirt and a cute blouse. Nothing too special, I didn't want to draw attention to us.

Finally it was 7 pm and Niall ringed me. "I'm waiting outside for ya, love. It's Nandos time!" I smiled, and he hung up.

I hurried down to see a big black Jeep waiting for me. Niall opened the door and I got inside. We were sitting in the backseat. He was wearing a tux, he was flawless. I couldn't stop staring at him.

"Wow, you look amazing Sophie." He smirked and kissed me.

We got a table at a seperate place, of course Niall did this to avoid the paparazzis. It was lovely. The food was amazing, just as Niall promised. He ate so much, it's weird since he's so skinny. I was so jealous of him. He even brought food back home! He was eating all the time. My fridge was empty because of him. But it was just too cute. We got back into the car and he kissed me. The kiss got intense but I felt awkward with the driver. Suddenly, a camera flash went off.

"Shit, the paps!" Niall hugged me to protect me from the flashes. We took off and eventually he let go of me.

"Seriously, they follow you around everywhere? It's so annoying." I sighed. I would never get to spend time with him this way.

"Yeah, it's the price you have to pay for being famous. It kind of sucks but I'm used to it now." He smiled and took my hand. He looked deep into my eyes. I heard him say something but I was lost in his eyes.

"Sophie?" He laughed and kissed me.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. It's just... your eyes." I laughed awkwardly and looked down.

"It's okay, I tend to have that effect on people." He winked and looked pretty pleased with himself. I punched him on his arm.

"Ouch!" He pretended to be hurt but couldn't help laughing at me. "I really need to take you to the gym, you have no strength at all!" I just stuck my tongue out to him.

He took out his phone and tweeted some fans.

"That's so nice of you, you actually have no idea how much that means to them." I smiled at him.

"Yeah, I'm so busy all the time. I can't really find the time to go on twitter that much but I try." He smirked and I could tell he was about to do something. He reached over and grabbed my phone.

"Hey, what are you doing!?" I looked over and he was sending a tweet... to himself.

@SophieJonson - "@NiallOfficial I'm a huge fan. You're so fit, please follow me. x" (I don't know if that's a real twitter name but it's not mine.)

"Stuck up, much?" I giggled.

"I just wanted to follow you without all the fans asking you how you got me to follow you." He smiled and followed me on twitter. My mentions blew up. Guess his plan wasn't that genius after all. We both laughed and he shot away a guilty smile.

Suddenly he froze, I could tell something was wrong by his facial expression.

"What's wrong Niall?" I asked.

"Someone twitpiced me the picture that the paps took just now. But don't worry, it's really hard to tell who it is since it's just a picture of us kissing. But now the fans definitley know that I'm seeing someone. It's just that... they won't stop until they find out who you are." He looked sad, I wish I could do something to cheer him up.

"We'll keep a low profile and stay inside the following days. Maybe they'll forget about it then?" I kissed him and he smiled.

"Yeah sure, we can do that." He hugged me and kissed my forehead.

For a whole week we just spent time together. Niall and the boys had gotten a couple of weeks off from the managment so it was perfect. Although they had emergency meetings sometimes we still spent most of the time together. Well, sometimes I had to work too. But as the day went by I realised that I was head over heels for this boy. He was incredible. Everything a girl could wish for and I had him all for myself right now. Finally, I felt like I belonged somewhere. I'd found my missing half. Even though we'd just met a week ago, I felt like we knew everything about each other. We didn't really do anything this week, we mostly stayed at my apartment, watched movies, talked and ate Nandos takeaway. Now that I think about it, we actually had Nandos every day. Niall was crazy about Nandos.

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